Kocarek Venicci pure white-trojkombinace 3v1

Kocarek Venicci pure white-trojkombinace 3v1

Product ID:
Not Specified
314.73 EUR
Approximately 8,000.00 CZK
to negotiate shipping details.
Product Location: Hlavní město Praha, Czechia
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Hello, I am selling a Venicci pure white cat. The cat is in very good condition, highly durable material, any dirt can be easily removed from it. Perfect both for the city and for the big terrain, thanks to the big inflatable wheels.
Kocarek contains the so-called 3 in 1:
- deep bed suitable from birth, swivels both in the direction and in the opposite direction of travel
- Sports seat
- car seat (including isofix)

We will add Dale to the cat
- changing bag
- insect screen

The front wheels can be locked
The SAS (Shock Absorption System) absorbs shocks very well and thus greatly reduces shocks to the stroller
Easy and quick assembly of the cat

I can also offer a winter beanie by the brand - Floo For Baby Beanie Alaska shine pink/black CZK 2,229 (original price), by arrangement

Can be sold Slany and surroundings, Prague

Dobry den, prodam kocarek Venicci pure white. Kocarek je ve velmi dobrem stavu, vysoce odolny material, snadno se z nej jakakoliv necistota odstrani. Perfektni jak do mesta, tak i do velkeho terenu, diky nafukovacim velkym koleckam.
Kocarek obsahuje tzv 3v1:
-hluboka korba vhodna jiz od narození, otocna ve smeru i protismeru jizdy
-Sportovni sedacka
-autosedacka(vcetne isofixu)

Dale ke kocarku pridame
-prebalovaci tasku
-sit proti hmyzu

Predni kola lze zaaretovat
Systém SAS (Shock Absorbtion System) velice dibre pobira otresy a tim velice snizuje otresy do kocarku
Lehce a rychle slozeni kocarku

Mohu navíc nabídnout zimní fusak znacky - Floo For Baby Fusak Alaska shine pink/black 2.229Kč (původní cena), na domluve

Predani lze Slany a okoli, Praha

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