ABC Design Condor 4 shadow 2019

ABC Design Condor 4 shadow 2019

Listing ID:
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200.00 EUR
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Product Location: Slovakia
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European UnionSeller #7568Seller

I am selling a 2-combination stroller ABC Design Condor 4. The stroller is after one child and is really very well preserved.
It consists of: construction, deep bath, 2 pieces of cotton tarpaulins for the deep bath, sports part, footrest for the sports part, pad for the sports part, mosquito net and changing bag with waterproof pad and thermo bottle cover.
It has a classic wear of the wheels and as far as some defects are concerned, only the torn Velcro on the ventilation opening of the roof on the sports part, which is photographed.
For more info, feel free to report.

Personal collection Považská Bystrica.

Predám 2-kombináciu kočíka ABC Design Condor 4. Kočík je po jednom dieťati a je naozaj veľmi zachovalý.
Skladá sa: konštrukcia, hlboká vanička, 2ks bavlnené plachty do hlbokej vaničky, športová časť, nánožník na športovú časť, podložka do športovej časti, moskytiérka a prebaľovacia taška s nepremokavou podložkou a termo obalom na fľašu.
Má klasické opotrebovanie kolies a čo sa týka nejakých vád, tak iba odtrhnutý suchý zips na vetracom otvore striešky na športovej časti, čo je nafotené.
Pre viac info, kľudne správa.

Osobný odber Považská Bystrica.

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