Annex M/Type milk 3-combination

Annex M/Type milk 3-combination

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250.00 EUR
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Product Location: Bratislava, Slovakia
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European UnionSeller #17134Seller
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An excellent stroller for any terrain...only bigger stones bothered him. But maintenance-free gel wheels were a really great choice. In addition, easy handling and maneuverability are also a plus. The bathtub belongs to the larger ones, the child has space and comfort there. The stroller is higher. The storage space under the stroller is practical, especially in bad weather, because it can be closed. We traveled with him to various corners of Slovakia and abroad. The construction is slightly scratched, you won't notice it at first glance, the functionality is fully preserved.
The egg is fastened using safety belts, there are adapters for it, so you can attach it very easily to the "legs" of the stroller. Everything is practical and simple even for 1 person.
It also includes a rain cover, an insect net, a backpack for the stroller and a decorative fur for the bathtub.
Both the covers and the backpack are washed in baby detergent, and during use, we always and everywhere - in the strollers and in the egg - had either a cotton diaper, a blanket or a bag (even in summer!), so the baby did not have direct contact with the cover material.
Only in person Bratislava & surroundings, or Nové Zámky & surroundings.

Výborný kočík do akéhokoľvek terénu...vadili mu len väčšie kamene. Ale gélové bezúdržbové kolieska boli naozaj skvelou voľbou. Okrem toho sú plusom aj ľahká manipulácia a dobre sa s ním manévruje. Vanička patrí k tým väčším, dieťa tam má priestor, pohodlie. Kočík je vyšší. Ukladací priestor pod kočíkom je praktický najmä v nečase, pretože je zatvárací. Prešli sme s ním rôzne kúty Slovenska aj zahraničia. Konštrukcia je mierne poškriabaná, na prvý pohľad si to nevšimnete, funkčnosť je plne zachovaná.
Vajíčko sa upevňuje pomocou bezpečnostných pásov, sú k nemu adaptéry, takže ho veľmi jednoducho pripevníte na „nohy“ kočíka. Všetko praktické a jednoduché aj pre 1 osobu.
Súčasťou je aj fólia proti dažďu, sieťka proti hmyzu, batoh na kočík a dekoračná kožušinka na vaničku.
Poťahy aj batoh sú opraté v detskom prostriedku a počas používania sme vždy a všade – v kočíkoch aj vo vajíčku - mali buď bavlnenú plienku, deku alebo fusak (aj v lete!), takže dieťa nemalo priamy kontakt s poťahovou látkou.
Len osobne Bratislava & okolie, poprípade Nové Zámky & okolie.

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