ARA Services Inc Certificate

ARA Services Inc Certificate

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Aramark was founded as Davidson Brothers in 1936 by Davre and Henry Davidson. Davidson Brothers began by providing vending services to plant employees in the aviation industry in Southern California.

In 1959, Davre Davidson partnered with William Fishman to establish ARA (Automatic Retailers of America), which became publicly traded a year later in 1960. In 1968, ARA provided services at the Mexico City Olympic Games, the first of 16 Games they have serviced, including Athens in 2004 and Beijing in 2008.

The certificate is sold unframed.

Aramark bol založený ako Davidson Brothers v roku 1936 Davre a Henry Davidson. Davidson Brothers začal poskytovaním predajných služieb zamestnancom závodu v leteckom priemysle v južnej Kalifornii.

V roku 1959 sa Davre Davidson spojil s Williamom Fishmanom za účelom založenia ARA (Automatic Retailers of America), ktorý sa verejne obchodoval o rok neskôr v roku 1960. V roku 1968 ARA poskytovala služby na olympijských hrách v Mexico City, prvej zo 16 hier, ktoré si opravili. vrátane Atén v roku 2004 a Pekingu v roku 2008.

Certifikát sa predáva bez rámu.

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