Kocik pre dvojicky/surodencov Baby Jogger

Kocik pre dvojicky/surodencov Baby Jogger

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400.00 EUR
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Product Location: Prievidza, Slovakia
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I am selling a Baby Jogger City Select stroller for couples in the color Charcoal, it was bought as new, there is no damage, only minor scratches.
Included in the price: 2x sports part
, 2x bathtub (can be assembled by converting the sports part)
2x handle on the sports part,
2x mat for the stroller,
1x skate (see photo)
The stroller has replaced (new) front wheels, it is a robust and strong but easily maneuverable stroller, it is variable in the direction and in the opposite direction of travel, it can comfortably transport 3 children (1 on skates).
It can also be used as a unicycle with a skate.
The pad for the stroller is double-sided, the black side is insulated for winter, the colored side for summer.
I can deliver the kitten for free to central/western Slovakia, or elsewhere by agreement.

Predam kocik pre dvojicky Baby Jogger City Select vo farbe Charcoal, bol kupovany ako novy, nema ziadne poskodenia, len drobne skrabance.
V cene 2x sportova cast
2x vanicka (sklada sa prerobenim sportovej casti)
2x madlo na sportovej casti
2x podlozka do kocika
1x skejtik (vid foto)
Kocika ma vymenene (nove) predne kolieska, je to robustny a pevny ale lahko manevrovatelny kocik, je variabilny v smere aj v protismere jazdy, v pohode odvezie aj 3 deti (1 na skejtiku).
Da sa pouzit aj ako jednokocik so skejtikom.
Podlozka do kocika je obojstranna, cierna strana je zateplena na zimu, farebna na leto.
Kocik viem doviezt zadarmo na stredne/zapadne Slovensko, pripadne aj inde po dohode.

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