Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Stock Certificate

Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Stock Certificate

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280.00 EUR
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The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad (reporting marks B&O, BO) was the first common carrier railroad and the oldest railroad in the United States, with its first section opening in 1830. It came into being mostly because the city of Baltimore wanted to compete with the newly constructed Erie Canal (which served New York City) and another canal being proposed by Pennsylvania, which would have connected Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. At first this railroad was located entirely in the state of Maryland, with an original line built from the port of Baltimore west to Sandy Hook.

At this point to continue westward, it had to cross into Virginia (now West Virginia) over the Potomac River, adjacent to the confluence of the Potomac and Shenandoah rivers. From there it passed through Virginia from Harpers Ferry to a point just west of the junction of Patterson Creek and the North Branch Potomac River, where it crossed back into Maryland to reach Cumberland. From there it was extended to the Ohio River at Wheeling and a few years later also to Parkersburg, West Virginia. It continued to construct lines into Ohio, including a junction at Portsmouth. In later years, B&O advertising carried the motto: „Linking 13 Great States with the Nation.“

The certificate is sold unframed.

Železnica Baltimore a Ohio (označovaná značkou B&O, BO) bola prvou spoločnou železničnou dopravou a najstaršou železnicou v Spojených štátoch. Jej prvý úsek sa otvoril v roku 1830. Vznikla predovšetkým preto, že mesto Baltimore chcelo konkurovať novovybudovaný prieplav Erie (ktorý slúžil New Yorku) a ďalší prieplav navrhovaný Pensylvániou, ktorý by spájal Philadelphiu a Pittsburgh. Spočiatku sa táto železnica nachádzala úplne v štáte Maryland. Pôvodná trať bola postavená z prístavu Baltimore na západ do Sandy Hook.

V tomto bode, aby pokračovala na západ, musela prejsť do Virgínie (dnes Západná Virgínia) cez rieku Potomac, susediacu so sútokom riek Potomac a Shenandoah. Odtiaľ prechádzala Virginiou z Harpers Ferry do bodu západne od križovatky Patterson Creek a rieky Potomac na severnom pobreží, kde prechádzala späť do Marylandu a dostala sa do Cumberlandu. Odtiaľ sa rozšírila k rieke Ohio v Wheelingu a o niekoľko rokov neskôr aj do Parkersburgu v Západnej Virgínii. Pokračovala vo výstavbe liniek do Ohia vrátane križovatky v Portsmouthe. V neskorších rokoch sa reklama B&O niesla pod heslom: „Prepojenie 13 veľkých štátov s národom.“

Certifikát sa predáva nezarámovaný.

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