Dualtron Mini 17,5 Ah

Dualtron Mini 17,5 Ah

Product ID:
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999.00 EUR
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Product Location: Bratislava, Slovakia
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I will sell a year used Dualtron Mini 17.5 Ah LG.
Dualtron Mini is one of the best urban scooters. Real max speed 50 Km/h and range 40 Km without limitation on performance. A comfortable, convenient and sporty scooter. It is in like new condition, never dropped, without a single scratch. I changed the front five bars - suspension for maxi for more comfort.
I am the first owner, the scooter was bought in Voltrid in Bratislava. One year under warranty. I have the complete packaging, box, instructions, Dualtron multi-functional tool, proof of purchase, spare tube and 2x new tires, remote control for LED backlight, the quality of which is not matched by any scooter from another brand. The Dualtron stands out for its quality of workmanship, it is the pinnacle among electric scooters. The reason for the sale is the purchase of a stronger model (Dualtron). I prefer personal collection.

Predam rok pouzivanu Dualtron Mini 17,5 Ah LG.
Dualtron Mini patri medzi spicku mestskych kolobeziek. Realna max rychlost 50 Km/h a dojazd 40 Km bez obmedzovania na vykone. Konfortna, pohodlna a sportovo obratna kolobezka. Je v stave ako nova, ani raz padnuta, bez jedineho skrabanceka. Vymenil som predne pu tyce - pruzenie za maksie pre vacsi komfort.
Som prvy majitel, kolobezka kupovana vo Voltride v Bratislave. Este rok v zaruke. Mam k nej kompletne balenie, krabica, navody, multifunkcne naradie Dualtron, doklad o kupe, nahradna dusa a 2x nove pneu., dialkovy ovladac na LED podsvietenie na ktoreho kvalitu sa nechyta ani jedna kolobezka od inej znacky. Dualtron sa vynika kvalitou spracovania, je to spicka medzi elektrickymi kolobezkami. Dovod predaja je kupa silnejsieho modelu(Dualtron). Preferujem osobny odber.

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