eSkate Evolve Hadean Bamboo

eSkate Evolve Hadean Bamboo

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799.00 EUR
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Product Location: Bratislava, Slovakia
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I am selling my eSkate Hadean Bamboo. The board is in perfect condition. I have currently driven 784 km. It is practically a new machine. The flashlight is in 100% condition. The range on one charge is around 45 km.
I have the original packaging/box for it as well as all other accessories.

I'm giving it for free:
- LED lights directly from Hadean - the longboard shines beautifully at night
- It has new baseplates (back and front)
- Rear lights (shredlights SL-R1)
- New pivot cups (green that don't squeak)
- New bushings in the back also at the front (blue - 95 and cervine 99) so that it carves well
- New tires
- Blue hubs/discs for the wheels (I have put aside the black ones and will give them for free)
- The price includes an extra new set of ceramic bearings for a complete replacement, but originally they are in almost 100 %
- Mounted motor guard (which is slightly ugly and can be taken off :) - works)
- Front mount for Shredlighs SL-1000 for riding at night (unrolled but will give for free but keep the light)

Original price of the board was 2499 EUR plus accessories for about EUR 400.
You can come and try it in person. I can mail it in the original box.


predávam môj eSkate Hadean Bamboo. Board je v perfektnom stave. Aktuálne ma najazdených 784km. Je to prakticky nový stroj. Baterka je v 100% stave. Dojazd na jedno nabitie je okolo 45km.
Mám k nemu originálne balenie/krabicu ako aj všetky ostatné doplnky.

Dávam k nemu zadarmo:
- LED svetla priamo od Hadeanu – longboard krásne svieti v noci
- Má nové baseplates (zadné aj predné)
- Zadné svetlá (shredlights SL-R1)
- Nové pivot cupy (zelené, ktoré nevrzgaju)
- Nové bushingy v zadu aj predu (modré – 95 a cervine 99) aby dobre carvoval
- Nové pneumatiky
- Modré hubs/disky na kolesá (čierne mám odložené a dám ich zadarmo)
- V cene extra nová sada keramických ložísk na kompletnú výmenu, ale pôvodne sú v skoro 100%
- Namontovaný chránič motorov (ktorý je mierne oškretý a dá sa dať dole :) – funguje)
- Prednú úchytku pre Shredlighs SL-1000 na jazdenie v noci (odmotoval som, ale dám zadarmo, ale svetlo si nechávam)

Pôvodná cena boardu bola 2499 Eur plus doplnky za cca 400 Eur.
Môžete si ho prísť vyskúšať osobne. Môžem ho poslať poštou v originálnej krabici.

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