Hagan Ultra 82 - 170 cm + belts + binding ATK Trofeo 10 with ATK Touring brakes

Hagan Ultra 82 - 170 cm + belts + binding ATK Trofeo 10 with ATK Touring brakes

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700.00 EUR
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Product Location: Brezno, Slovakia
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European UnionSeller #18547Seller
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I decided to sell my Hagan Ultra 82 skis with belts, as the skialp didn't catch me as much as I expected and the skis at home just fell into the dust.

Along with skis and belts, I am also selling ATK Trofeo 10 bindings with ATK Touring brakes.

I have actually used the skis only twice, once on skialp (Chopok) and with belts and once only for normal skiing on the piste, they are basically like new, except for some minor scratches, which unfortunately can never be done without.

The entire set was purchased in March 2022, so the skis are still under warranty, which is 3 years by default and up to 5 years with registration.


- Hagan Ultra 82 skis - 170 cm
- Hagan Ultra 82/170 belts
- ATK Trofeo 10 bindings with ATK Touring brakes


rozhodol som sa predať svoje Hagan Ultra 82 lyže aj s pásmi, nakoľko ma skialp nechytil až tak, ako som očakával a lyže mi doma tým pádom len zapadli prachom.

S lyžami a pásmi predávam aj viazanie ATK Trofeo 10 s brzdami ATK Touring.

Lyže som reálne použil len dvakrát a to raz na skialp (Chopok) aj s pásmi a raz len na normálne lyžovanie na zjazdovke, sú tak v podstate ako nové, až na nejaké menšie škrabančeky, bez ktorých sa to žiaľ nikdy neobíde.

Celý set bol kupovaný v marci roku 2022, lyže sú tak ešte stále aj v záruke, ktorá tam je štandardne 3 roky a s registráciou až 5 rokov.


- Lyže Hagan Ultra 82 - 170 cm
- Pásy Hagan Ultra 82/170
- Viazanie ATK Trofeo 10 s brzdami ATK Touring

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