Hanna, najmenší Boží anjel

Hanna, najmenší Boží anjel

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3.00 EUR
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Condition:Used, Used

Author: Angela Sommer-Bodenburgová
Year of issue: 1996
Publisher: Mladé letá

Hardcover, number of pages 136, edition 1.

Hanna is a little girl who longs for her mother's love. She often angered her mother when she revealed that she was lying. According to her mother, she is callous, curious, overly truthful. According to her brother, however, she was a little angel of God, always cheerful, but she missed her mother's love. Hanna liked to play with the ball against the wall to forget her mother's bad mood, which she and her brother judged by the countries. For example, Alaska, Greenland… She secretly loved her brother's classmate. Rada was playing with Petra's doll, which her mother once threw in the trash, and a whole piece of her life died. Then she began to think that, like Peter, she must find her way to the Lord God ...

Preserved condition, but there is dedication inside.

Price: 3 € + postage

Autor: Angela Sommer-Bodenburgová
Rok vyd.: 1996
Vydavateľstvo: Mladé letá

Väzba tvrdá , počet strán 136 , vydanie 1.

Hanna je malé dievčatko, ktoré túži po matkinej láske. Neraz matku nahnevala, keď prezradila, že klame. Podľa matky bezočivá, zvedavá, prehnane pravdovravná. Podľa brata bola však malý Boží anjelik, vždy veselá, no chýbala jej matkina láska. Hanna sa rada hrávala s loptou o múr, aby zabudla na matkinu zlú náladu, ktorú s bratom hodnotili krajinami. Napríklad Aljaška, Grónsko… Tajne ľúbila bratovho spolužiaka. Rada sa hrávala s bábikou Petrou, ktorú jej raz matka vyhodila do koša, a to z jej života zomrel celý kus. Vtedy začala premýšľať, že tak ako Petrea, aj ona musí nájsť cestu k Pánu Bohu...

Zachovalý stav, ale vo vnútri je venovanie.

Cena: 3€ + poštovné

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