I will sell a new laptop MSI Modern 15, 16 GB, i5-1235

I will sell a new laptop MSI Modern 15, 16 GB, i5-1235

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450.00 EUR
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Product Location: Bratislava, Slovakia
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I am selling a new laptop MSI Modern 15 B12M-074XCZ, purchased about 3-4 months ago, unused.
There is no problem with it except that it does not have an RJ-45 ethernet connector, but the ethernet is connected via the USB-C output. Since I use NB mainly as a desktop with 95% connection via a classic network cable instead of wi-fi, it's quite a problem for me. I found this out only after the purchase, as well as the fact that laptops with a removable battery are no longer produced today :-(

NB there are still 20 months under warranty, it performs very well, there is a 512 SSD NVMe drive, 16 GB DDR4 memory, Iris XE graphics , intel core i5 1235U Alder Lake, IPS matte full HD monitor, backlit SK/CZ keyboard, wifi6, USB-C (can also connect 2 monitors), HDMI, bluetooth, audio, camera.

Purchased without OS, Windows 10 is installed , I will keep it or remove it on request

Predám nový notebook MSI Modern 15 B12M-074XCZ zakúpený pred cca 3-4 mesiacmi, nepoužívaný.
Nie je s ním žiadny problém okrem toho, že nemá ethernet konektor RJ-45, ale ethernet sa pripája cez USB-C výstup. Nakoľko používam NB prevažne ako desktop s pripojením na 95% cez klasický sieťový kábel namiesto wi-fi, tak je to pre mňa dosť problém. Zistil som to dodatočne až po zakúpení ako aj fakt, že dnes sa už nevyrábajú notebooky s odnímateľnou batériou :-(

NB je ešte 20 mesiacov v záruke, frčí veľmi dobre, je tam disk 512 SSD NVMe, pamäť 16 GB DDR4, Iris XE graphics, intel core i5 1235U Alder Lake, IPS matný monitor full HD, podsvietená klávesnica SK/CZ, wifi6, USB-C (vie pripojiť aj 2 monitory), HDMI, bluetooth, audio, kamera.

Zakúpené bez OS, je tam nahodený Windows 10, na požiadanie ponechám, alebo odstránim.

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