

Product ID:
Used, Used
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4,000.00 EUR
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Product Location: Nové Mesto nad Váhom, Slovakia
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Condition:Used, Used

E-Enduro Kellys Theos i50, model 2021 Mullet, in size XL, suitable for figures from 180cm. It was bought in autumn 2021 at ZA KubicaSport. I recently replaced the components on the bike, which were all new, unused:

Fork: RS Domain 170mm 29”
Shock: RS Super Deluxe Coil Select+(110kg)
Brakes: Shimano Slx 4Piston IceTech
Discs. : Shimano IceTech 203/180mm
Stem : NukeProof Neutron
Handlebars : RaceFace Turbine 800mm 35mm
Grips : Ergon
Pedals : Shimano XT
Cranks : Shimano Steps 170mm
rest of components series

The frame is guaranteed for 5 years, the fork for 2 years. Battery 630wh, on EKO 121km, drive approx. 3000km, half of which is moving around. The serviceman from Mtbiker in Hrádek takes care of the condition, the bearings were last cleaned.
Theos is of course covered with foil. It's up to the souls. I rode it with my less than 80 kg, mostly trails, ridges in Inovac and the surrounding area. I am also adding fenders. The bike has no serious damage, it has not experienced extra falls. He wasn't bad in the series, but now it's an Enduro as it should be and it holds the track and speed beautifully.

It can be seen and tried in person in the vicinity of Piešťany and NMnV. All documents and records are a matter of course. No extra investment in the near future, rather just grips and eventually a rear tire.

If you are interested, interested or interested in something, do not hesitate to write me Shreedd

E-Enduro Kellys Theos i50, model 2021 Mullet, vo veľkosti XL, vhodný pre postavu od 180cm. Bol kúpený na jeseň 2021 v ZA KubicaSport. Na biku som nedávno vymenil komponenty, ktoré boli všetky nové, nepoužívané :

Vidlica : RS Domain 170mm 29”
Tlmič : RS Super Deluxe Coil Select+(110kg)
Brzdy : Shimano Slx 4Piston IceTech
Kotúče. : Shimano IceTech 203/180mm
Predstavec : NukeProof Neutron
Riadidlá : RaceFace Turbine 800mm 35mm
Gripy : Ergon
Pedále : Shimano XT
Kľuky : Shimano Steps 170mm
zvyšok komponentov séria

Na rám je záruka 5 rokov, na vidlicu 2roky. Batéria 630wh, na EKO 121km, nájazd cca 3000km, z toho polovica presuny po okolí. O stav sa stará servisák z Mtbikeru v Hrádku, naposledy sa čistili ložiská.
Theos je samozrejme oblepený foliou. Je na dušiach. Jazdil som ho s mojimi necelými 80kg, skôr traily, hrebeňovky Inovca a okolia. Pridávam aj blatníky. Bike nemá vážnejšie poškodenia, nezažil extra pády. V sérii nebol zlý ale teraz je to Enduro ako má byť a krásne drží stopu a rýchlosť.

Osobne možno vidieť a vyskúšať v okolí Piešťan a NMnV . Samozrejmosťou sú všetky doklady a záznamy. V najbližšej dobe bez extra investícii, skôr len gripy a časom zadný plášť.

Ak máš záujem, zaujal ťa alebo ťa niečo zaujíma, neváhaj mi napísať Shreedd

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