Koloman Tichý - Still life with fruit

Koloman Tichý - Still life with fruit

Listing ID:
2,700.00 EUR
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Product Location: Bratislava, Slovakia
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Koloman Tichý - Still life with fruit

oil on canvas, restored, signed upper left, size 54 x 46 cm, really beautiful gallery work!!!

Koloman Tichý was born in 1888 in Rožňav, died in 1968 in Budapest. In 1911 he graduated from the VŠVU in Bratislava, in 1906 he graduated from the private school of S. Hollósy in Munich. In the years 1923-1927, he worked as a correspondent for the Prague newspaper Prági magyar Hírlap and the Bratislava newspaper Magyar Nélap. He published science fiction novels and published a monograph on the history of Plešivec (1936). 1910-1945 he was a member of the KÉVE association.

In his drawings and graphics, the influence of the art nouveau line, Japanese art, but also social accents is evident. Together with his brother Júlio, he belongs to the representatives of Symbolism. The core of his work is a portrait marked by matter-of-fact civility, which he devoted himself to especially in the 1920s.

Koloman Tichý - Zátišie s ovocím

olej na plátne, reštaurované, signované vľavo hore, rozmer 54 x 46 cm, skutočne krásne galerijné dielo !!!

Koloman Tichý sa narodil v roku 1888 v Rožňave, zomrel v roku 1968 v Budapešti. V roku 1911 ukončil VŠVU v Bratislave, v roku 1906 absolvoval súkromnú školu S.Hollósyho v Mníchove. V rokoch 1923-1927 pôsobil ako dopisovateľ pražských novín Prági magyar Hírlap a bratislavských novín Magyar Nélap. Publikoval vedecko-fantastické romány a vydal monografiu o histórii Plešivca (1936). 1910-1945 bol členom spolku KÉVE.

V jeho kresbách a grafikách sa prejavuje vplyv secesnej línie, japonérií, ale aj sociálne akcenty. Spolu s bratom Júliom patrí k predstaviteľom symbolizmu. Jadrom jeho tvorby je portrét poznačený vecným civilizmom, ktorému sa venoval najmä v 20. rokoch.

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