Morské nano akvárium 90l 45v-50š-50h

Morské nano akvárium 90l 45v-50š-50h

Listing ID:
Used, Used
Not Specified
1,000.00 EUR
to negotiate shipping details.
Product Location: Slovakia
This seller does not accept returns.
Seller Details
European UnionSeller #3465Seller
Condition:Used, Used

Good day.
I offer for sale a marine aquarium 90l used for about a year and a month. The aquarium is drained, not scratched, undamaged and cleaned together with the equipment.
I also add a white tailor-made cabinet with reinforcement under the aquarium, there are also cable trays glued in it.

About the aquarium:
- The aquarium has 90l, dimensions 45cm height, 50cm width, 50cm depth
- filtration is built behind the wall of the aquarium, where there are 3 chambers
- 2pcs Fluorescent purple caribbean coral stones laying, 1pc dry (stones weigh 7-8kg)

About the technique :
- light AI Prime 16HD - about half a year old
- jet pump Jebao MLW-5 - used for about 4-5 months
- Skimmer Sera Marin PS 130
- automatic evaporator refill AutoAqua Smart ATO Duo with 20l aquarium (with cover) for RO / DI water
- cooling fan Tunze Aquawind
- heater Eheim 75W

- desilter, magnetic scraper TUNZE
- Magnesium Red Sea 500ml
- Feed: Frostbite Copepods (quality feed), Coral Nutrition AB +, AF garlic oil
- Salt: Tropic Marin Pro Reef 25kg (approx. polka)
- Filter media: 1l Siphorax, purigen 100ml, Silicarbon 400ml (taken approx. 100ml)

Price: 1000 €

I also have the original box for each technique and especially the block in case of a complaint.
If you are interested or have more photos, let me know.
I apologize for the reflections in the glass, but it's hard to take photos.

Dobrý deň.
Ponúkam na predaj morské akvárium 90l používané cca rok aj mesiac. Akvárko je vypustené, nedoškrábane, nepoškodené a spolu s technikou vyčistené.
Pridávam k nemu aj bielu skrinku robenú na mieru s výstuhou pod akváriom, sú v nej aj nalepené žlaby pre káble.

O akvárku:
- Akvárium má 90l, rozmery 45cm výška, 50cm šírka, 50cm hĺbka
- filtrácia je zabudovaná za stenou akvárka, kde sa nachádzajú 3 komory
- 2ks Fluorescent purple karibské koralové kameňe položivé, 1ks suchý (kameňe majú 7-8kg)

O technike:
- svetlo AI Prime 16HD - staré asi pol roka
- prúdové čerpadlo Jebao MLW-5 - používané cca 4-5 mesiacov
- Skimmer Sera Marin PS 130
- automatický doplňovač odparu AutoAqua Smart ATO Duo s 20l akvarkom (s krytom) na RO/DI vodu
- ventilátor na chladenie Tunze Aquawind
- ohrievač Eheim 75W

- odkalovač, magnetická škrabka TUNZE
- Magnesium Red Sea 500ml
- Krmivá: Frostbite Copepods (kvalitné krmivo), Coral Nutrition AB+, AF cesnakový olej
- Soľ: Tropic Marin Pro Reef 25kg (cca poľka)
- Filtračné média: 1l Siphorax, purigen 100ml, Silicarbon 400ml (odobraté cca 100ml)

Cena: 1000€

Ku každej technike mám aj pôvodnú krabicu a zváčša ku všetkemu aj bločik v prípade reklamácie.
V prípade záujmu alebo viac foto ma informujte.
Ospravedňujem sa za odrazy v sklách, ale ťažko sa vypustené fotí.

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