Philips Lumea IPL Hair Removal 9000

Philips Lumea IPL Hair Removal 9000

Listing ID:
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390.00 EUR
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Product Location: Žiar nad Hronom, Slovakia
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European UnionSeller #16382Seller
Condition:In Description, In Description

I am selling a Philips IPL LUMEU, bought last year in February. It has an extended warranty until February 2, 2025. It was used for a short period of about 3.5 months. But even after such a short time, the hair on my legs disappeared and only a few are still growing today. After I got pregnant, I stopped using it and never went back to it. Since I just tossed it around unnecessarily on the cabinet in the bathroom, you can see the signs of being folded on the box. So I decided to move it further so that it does not stand unnecessarily. The IPL works as it should, there are no signs of damage, the device or accessories are like brand new.
Pc: €451, I sell for €390, in the case of quick negotiations, a smaller agreement is possible. A big no, as the lumea is in perfect and slightly used condition. If you are interested, call or feel free to write and I will write you back or call you.

Predám Philips IPL LUMEU, kúpenú minulý rok vo februári. Má predĺženú záruku do 2.2.2025. Používaná bola krátko cca 3,5mesiaca. Ale aj po tak krátkom čase mi zmizli chĺpky na nohách a iba pár rastie dodnes. Po otehotnení som ju prestala používať a už som sa k nej nevrátila. Nakoľko som ju len zbytočne prehadzovala na skrinke v kúpeľni vidno aj známky prekladania na krabici. Tak som sa rozhodla ju posunúť ďalej nech nestojí zbytočne. IPL funguje ako ma nemá žiadne známky poškodenia, prístroj ani príslušenstvo je ako úplne nové .
Pc:451€ ja predávam za 390€ v prípade rýchleho jednania menšia dohoda možná. Veľká nie nakoľko je lumea v dokonalom a malo používanom stave. V prípade záujmu volajte alebo kľudne napíšte a ja vám odpisem alebo zavolám.

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