PRS with 24 custom 2021

PRS with 24 custom 2021

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700.00 EUR
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Product Location: Veľký Krtíš, Slovakia
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I am selling a PRS SE custom 24 charcoal burst electric guitar, like new, it was 2 years old in September, it has no scratches, it has been in its case the whole time, if it has not been played. No concerts, just playing at home. Due to lack of time, I'm moving on. Low range, very comfortable to play at least for me, strings pull well, has passive humbuckers, 3 position switch, but by pulling out the tone shield, the pickups can be switched to singlecoil. Potentiometers are voice and push-pull, 24 frets, won't disappear. The body is mahogany, the neck and fingerboard are maple. The sensor model is PRS 85/15S. I am also giving away the original tremolo puck, allen keys.
The only aesthetic blemish is some peeling paint on the inside where the neck fits under the PRS cover (but it's rubbed off. last photo). It does not affect the sound or tuning of the guitar.
I prefer earlier contact by e-mail or sms, for significant interested parties by agreement also by phone.
I can deliver by agreement to VK, NR and LV, DT, or it is also possible to arrange collection in BA. You can try it in LV and VK for mesa boogie combo. I therefore prefer personal collection, but I can also deliver.

Predám elektrickú gitaru PRS SE custom 24 charcoal burst, ako nová, v septembri mala 2 roky, je bez škrabancov, celý čas bola v puzdre, ak sa na nej nehralo. Žiadne koncerty, len domáce hranie. Pre nedostatok času idem ďalej. Nízky dosah, veľmi pohodlné hranie aspoň pre mňa, struny sa ťahajú dobre, má pasívne humbuckery, 3 polohový prepínač, ale vytiahnutím tónovej clony sa dajú snímače prepnúť na singlecoil. Potenciometre sú hlasové a push-pull, 24 pražcov, nezmiznú. Telo je mahagónové, krk a hmatník sú javorové. Model snímača je PRS 85/15S. Darujem aj originál tremolo puk, imbusové kľúče.
Jedinou estetickou chybou je trocha olupujúcej sa farby z vnútornej strany, kde krk zapadá pod kryt PRS (ale je zotretý. posledná fotka). Nemá to vplyv na zvuk ani ladenie gitary.
Preferujem skorší kontakt e-mailom alebo sms, pre významných záujemcov po dohode aj telefonicky.
Viem doviezť po dohode do VK, NR a LV, DT, prípadne je možné dohodnúť aj odber v BA. Môžete si to vyskúšať v LV a VK na mesa boogie combo. Preferujem preto osobný odber, ale viem aj doviezť.

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