PS4 1TB +2x Dualshock 4 + 14 hier

PS4 1TB +2x Dualshock 4 + 14 hier

Listing ID:
Not Specified
349.00 EUR
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Product Location: Slovakia
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Seller Details
European UnionSeller #1355Seller

I am selling a PS4 in very good condition, 100% functional, subtle signs of use but nothing significant, the storage size is 1TB, the console is of course also a power cable and a cable for charging drivers. The price includes the already mentioned two Dualshock 4 drivers, one original and one bought in the summer of 2021, almost entirely new. The price also includes 14 fully functional games, namely:
Call of Duty Modern Warfare
Call of Duty Infinite Warfare
Call of Duty Ghosts
Call of Duty Black Ops 3
Marvel Spiderman
Bioshock collection of all three games: Rapture 1 + 2 and Infinite
Assassins Creed Odyssey
Ratchet & Clank
Farcry 5
Red Dead Redemption II
South Park Fructured but whole
inFamous First light
inFamous Second son
Fallout 4

Predám PS4 vo veľmi dobrom stave, 100% funkčná, jemné známky používania ale nič zásadné, veľkosť úložiska je 1TB, ku konzole je samozrejme aj napájací kábel a kábel na nabíjane ovládačov.. V cene sú zahrnuté už spomínané dva Dualshock 4 ovládače, jeden originálny a jeden kupovaní v lete 2021, teda skoro úplne nový. V cene je zahrnutých aj 14 plne funkčných hier a to menovite:
Call of Duty Modern Warfare
Call of Duty Infinite Warfare
Call of Duty Ghosts
Call of Duty Black Ops 3
Marvel Spiderman
Bioshock kolekcia všetkých troch hier: Rapture 1+2 a Infinite
Assassins Creed Odyssey
Ratchet & Clank
Farcry 5
Red Dead Redemption II
South Park Fructured but whole
inFamous First light
inFamous Second son
Fallout 4

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