Samsung Galaxy A51 4GB/128GB

Samsung Galaxy A51 4GB/128GB

Product ID:
Used, Used
Not Specified
135.00 EUR
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Product Location: Slovakia
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Condition:Used, Used

I am selling a samsung galaxy a51 in good condition, 11 months old, the flashlight holds 2 days and sometimes 3. I have 2 cases (in the photos) magnetic usb cable, the original charger

The display shows a tempered glass for 20 € The

cases also stood together 20 €

I am selling due to return to xiaomi

Write an sms or e-mail, I

am writing off within a few minutes if I can I prefer a personal collection in aluminum over the hron
Or over the weekend in Lučenec.

I also send cash on delivery 1st class, when paying 5 € in advance I send without postage (just to be sure that you really pick up the phone)


Currently there is the latest android 11 and oneui 3

Predám samsung galaxy a51 v dobrom stave, stary 11 mesiacou, baterka drží 2 dni občas aj 3. K nemu mám 2 puzdra(na fotkách) magnetický usb kábel, originál nabíjačku

Na displeji je nalepené tvrdené sklo za 20€

Puzdra stáli dokopy tiež 20€

Predávam z dôvodu vrátenia sa k xiaomi

Píšte sms alebo e-mail, odpisujem do pár minút pokiaľ sa mi dá

Preferujem osobný odber v hliniku nad hronom
Alebo cez víkend v lučenci.

Posielam aj na dobierku 1.Triedou, pri platbe 5€ vopred posielam bez zaúčtovania poštovného(len aby som si bol istý že mobil naozaj preberiete)


Momentálne je tam už najnovší android 11 a oneui 3

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