Samsung Galaxy Note 10 plus 12/256 Aura Glow

Samsung Galaxy Note 10 plus 12/256 Aura Glow

Listing ID:
Used, Used
Not Specified
240.00 EUR
to negotiate shipping details.
Product Location: Poprad, Slovakia
This seller does not accept returns.
Seller Details
European UnionSeller #13105Seller
Condition:Used, Used

I am selling a Samsung Galaxy Note 10 plus 12/256 Aura Glow, it is a 12GB RAM and 256GB storage version. The phone was bought in the Mobileworld store on October 8, 2019, so it is three years old (it is no longer under warranty).
The phone was in a protective case during the entire use, a protective glass was stuck on the glass the whole time. The display as well as the body of the phone are free of scratches and signs of any use. Battery health according to external application 87%. Of course, the complete packaging (adapter, usb-c to usb-c cable, I do not include headphones for hygienic reasons), purchase invoice.
The phone is in very good condition, for the fact that it was used for three years, almost like new, I cleaned it regularly during the entire period of use.

Predám Samsung Galaxy Note 10 plus 12/256 Aura Glow, ide o verziu 12GB RAM a 256GB úložisko. Telefón bol kupovaný v obchode Mobileworld 08.10.2019, takže má tri roky( už nie je v záruke).
Telefón bol počas celého používania v ochrannom kryte, na skle bolo po celú dobu nalepené ochranné sklo. Displej ako aj telo telefónu sú bez škrabancov a známok akéhokoľvek používania. Zdravie batérie podľa externej aplikácie 87%. Samozrejmosťou je úplné balenie(adaptér, usb-c na usb-c kábel, slúchadla z hygienických dôvodov nepridávam), faktúra o kúpe.
Telefón je vo veľmi dobrom stave, na to že bol používaný tri roky, takmer stav ako nový, pravidelne som ho čistil počas celej doby používania.

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