The Pennsylvania Railroad Company Certificate

The Pennsylvania Railroad Company Certificate

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The Pennsylvania Railroad (or Pennsylvania Railroad Company and also known as the "Pennsy") was an American Class I railroad that was established in 1846 and was headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It was so named because it was established in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

The PRR was the largest railroad by traffic and revenue in the U.S. for the first half of the 20th century. Over the years, it acquired, merged with or owned part of at least 800 other rail lines and companies. At the end of 1925, it operated 10,515 miles of rail line; in the 1920s, it carried nearly three times the traffic as other railroads of comparable length, such as the Union Pacific or Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroads. Its only formidable rival was the New York Central (NYC), which carried around three-quarters of PRR's ton-miles.

The certificate is sold unframed.

Pennsylvania železnice (alebo Pennsylvania železničná spoločnosť a tiež známy ako "Pennsy") bol americký triedy I železnice, ktorá bola založená v roku 1846 a bol sídlom v Philadelphii, Pennsylvania. Bola tak pomenovaná, pretože bola založená v Pensylvánii.

PRR bola najväčšou železničnou dopravou v Spojených štátoch za prvú polovicu 20. storočia. V priebehu rokov nadobudla, zlúčila alebo vlastnila aspoň 800 ďalších železničných tratí a spoločností. Koncom roku 1925 prevádzkovala 10,515 míľ železničnej trate; v dvadsiatych rokoch minulého storočia prepravovala takmer trojnásobnú premávku ako iné železnice porovnateľnej dĺžky, ako sú železničné trate Union Pacific alebo Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe. Jeho jediný impozantný súper bol New York Central (NYC), ktorý prepravoval okolo troch štvrtín tonových míľ PRR.

Certifikát sa predáva nezarámovaný.

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