Dětský kočárek Easywalker SKY Plus

Dětský kočárek Easywalker SKY Plus

Listing ID:
V popisu
413.08 EUR
Přibližně 10,500.00 CZK
a domluvte se na podrobnostech dopravy.
Lokace produktu: Praha-východ, Czechia
Vrácení zboží:
Tento prodejce nepřijímá vrácení zboží.
Seller Details
Evropská uniePredajca #18833Seller
Stav:V popisu

Prodame kompletne vybaveny kocarek po dvou dětech ve velmi dobrém stavu, bez vady - pouze jako komplet. Koupen jako novy vcetne prislusenstvi. Vzdy jsme jej vyuzivali cca do dvou let, ale nasi kluci rychle behali a tak uz kocar nechteli.
Korbicka + sportak EasyWalker Sky Plus. Projezdil s nami cely les a okoli. Za nic na svete bysme ho nemenili, jsme aktivni rodina co lita hlavne v prirode a v okolí nemá moc rovné silnice. Vyborna manipulace, krasne komfortni pojezdeni.

Je ve velmi dobrem stavu s veskerym prislusenstvim a dalsi vychytavky navic viz fotky:

2 zimni fusaky
1 jarni fusak
plastenky na korbu i sportak
sitky proti hmyzu na korbu i sportak
2 slunecní clony na korbu
nahradni duse
specialni vlozka do korbicky pro miminko
hřejivý rukávník na zimu - není na fotografii

Jsme nekuracka domacnost.

K osobnimu odberu ci videni a vyzkouseni ve Škvorci u Prahy.

We are selling a fully equipped stroller for two children in very good condition, without defects - only as a set. Bought as new including accessories. We always used it until about two years old, but our boys ran fast and so they didn't want a cat anymore.
Basket + sport bag EasyWalker Sky Plus. He drove with us through the entire forest and the surrounding area. We wouldn't change it for anything in the world, we are an active family that mostly enjoys nature and there aren't many straight roads in the area. Excellent handling, wonderfully comfortable ride.

It is in very good condition with all the accessories and other extras, see the photos:

2 winter beanies
1 spring beanie
baby bottles for the body and sidecar
insect screens for the body and sidecar
2 sunshades for the sidecar
spare hose
special insert for the bassinet for a baby
warm sleeve for winter - not in the photo

We are a non-smoking household.

For personal collection or to be seen and tried on in Škvorec near Prague.

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