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How can I change my email address?

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You can edit your email address in the "account settings" section by clicking on "email settings". 

In this section you can set: 

  • Registration email 
    After changing the registration email address, we will automatically send you an email with a verification code to the new address. To continue selling on our platforms, you must confirm the change in the "account verification" section. 

    For security reasons, it is possible to change the registration email address only once within 30 days. 
  • Alternative email
    If you do not wish to receive emails to your registration email, enter your alternative email address. 
  • Contact email 
    You will receive all important information and notifications to this email. This email is also used for communication with the platform operator, in case of any problem. 
Stále potřebujete pomoc?Nenašli jste odpověď na svou otázku? Viz související články v tomto tématu. Pokud jste stále nenašli odpověď na svou otázku, neváhejte nás kontaktovat.