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What are the general terms of use?

Tento článek nápovědy momentálně není dostupný v češtině.
Tento článek pomocníka si můžete přečíst v následujících jazycích:

Before using the pages of our platform, we recommend that you first read our general terms of use. 


  1. Information provided on this platform is considered public information and may be distributed or copied unless otherwise noted. The information on this platform is of a general nature. However, the use of appropriate captions, photos and images is required.
  2. This platform allows users to link to other websites that are not managed by the operator of this platform. The operator has no control over the nature, content or availability of these websites. By providing these links, we are not recommending or endorsing the opinions expressed on them.
  3. The operator makes every effort to ensure that the information on this platform is both current and accurate. Nevertheless, the operator cannot guarantee the accuracy of the data provided for the products. It is the seller's responsibility to ensure the accuracy of this information. The seller is obligated to provide truthful information about the products. Users who rely on the accuracy of the information about the product they are purchasing do so at their own risk. If a user harbors any doubts about the authenticity of the information provided by the seller, they have the option to report the product. In such instances, the platform operator will review the product and inform the user who reported it of the outcome of the review.
  4. The operator only mediates the contact between the seller and the buyer, and is in no way responsible for any losses or damages that may occur to users or third parties in connection with the use of this platform.
  5. Although the operator makes every effort to make the platform work smoothly, it bears no responsibility if the platform is temporarily unavailable due to technical problems.
  6. The user is obliged to fill in his personal and contact information truthfully and accurately. If he does not do so, the operator is entitled to delete the user's account without any notice.
  7. The user is not entitled to a refund of any paid fee paid for our paid or premium in case of violation of these terms of use. In the event that the platform is temporarily unavailable due to technical issues, users' premium services will be extended for the period during which access to the platform was restricted.
  8. The operator bears no responsibility in the event that a third party illegally accesses the user account on our platforms. Therefore, we recommend that you always set a strong and secure password and do not share your login information with other people.
  9. If the user wants to request a complaint, he is entitled to contact the operator by email. The complaint must contain all information to clarify the given problem.
  10. The operator is responsible for the functionality of the paid services. In the event that technical problems occur, the operator is obliged to solve these problems as soon as possible.
  11. The operator can send SMS messages to phone numbers obtained from freely available sources. If you have received such an SMS message and do not wish to receive our messages, please contact us via email. Your phone number will then be removed from our database.
Stále potřebujete pomoc?Nenašli jste odpověď na svou otázku? Viz související články v tomto tématu. Pokud jste stále nenašli odpověď na svou otázku, neváhejte nás kontaktovat.