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How to set up goods returns for "My Store"

Tento článek nápovědy momentálně není dostupný v češtině.
Tento článek pomocníka si můžete přečíst v následujících jazycích:

The seller has the option to set whether to allow the return of goods for each product separately and under what conditions. There are two options under which a return may be allowed. In the first case, the seller can only allow returns for orders from buyers from the same country in which he operates. This means that if the seller is from England, for example, returns will only be possible for English buyers. In the second case, he can also allow returns for orders from foreign buyers.

The seller can set the return conditions for each of the mentioned options separately. These conditions may include, for example, the time limit for returning the goods, who pays for the return shipping of the goods, the condition of the goods when returned, how to receive the refund, and so on. The buyer will see all this information for a specific product. 

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