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Premium Listing

Tento článek nápovědy momentálně není dostupný v češtině.
Tento článek pomocníka si můžete přečíst v následujících jazycích:

Details about this service: 

Items that have this service activated will appear at the top of search results and in the categories they are listed in. At the same time, they will be marked as a "premium item" for the entire period of use of this service. 

If the item is the only one that has this service activated, the item will appear first in the search and in the categories in which it is included. Other items that do not have this service activated during this time cannot overtake it in order. If several items use this service, their order is determined according to the time of activation of this service. Items for which this service was activated later will be placed in higher positions. If the item expires in this service, the item will automatically be included among the others. 

Advantages of this service: 

  • The more views the item will have, the greater the chance that the item will sell faster. 
  • The item will appear at the top of search results and in the categories in which it is listed. 
  • The item will be marked as a "premium item". 

Service activation fee:

1.10 EUR

The price is given for activating the service for 7 days for one added item. This means that if you want to sell your goods on multiple platforms at the same time, then you can choose on which platforms you want to activate the service for this item.

If you activate this premium service for a given item more than once, the validity period of this service is automatically extended according to the number of purchases.

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Související články v tomto tématu
Premium Listing
Quick Sale Listing