3 kombinacia Balios S lux scuderia ferrari

3 kombinacia Balios S lux scuderia ferrari

Listing ID:
850.00 EUR
a domluvte se na podrobnostech dopravy.
Lokace produktu: Zvolen, Slovakia
Vrácení zboží:
Tento prodejce nepřijímá vrácení zboží.
Seller Details
Evropská uniePredajca #15933Seller

- cybex cloud - zi-size scuderia ferrari - the car seat is the safest and can be positioned in bed
- cybex carry cot scuderia ferrari - the bassinet is like new in the original box
- cybex Balios S Lux scuderia ferrari sports stroller
- cybex balios adapters, cup holder - bottle, mosquito net, baby bottle
Purchases 10/2021
Suitable for both a girl and a boy.
Our baby was satisfied
Price 850€

For 80€ I will add a cottonmoose beanie to the van and with a zipped part to the sports jacket.
The lower part can be used as a bag.
Babysense 1pro breath monitor.
Children's playhouse suitable for traveling.

For €40, but that's for a little girl, I offer a baby nest, a pillow, a blanket, protection around the bed and a hanging organizer. Gray color - stars and the other side is pink.

Everything is after 1 diet.
Set for €970.

- cybex cloud - z-i-size scuderia ferrari - autosedacka je najbezpecnesia a da sa polohovat do lahu
- cybex carry cot scuderia ferrari - vanicka je ako nova v original krabici
- cybex Balios S Lux scuderia ferrari sportovy kocik
- cybex adaptery balios ,drziak na pohar - flasku, moskytiera,plastenka
Kupeny 10/2021
Vhodny pre dievcatko aj chlapca.
Nasa baba bola spokojna
Cena 850€

Za 80€ prilozim fusak cottonmoose do vanicky a so zazipsovanou castou do sportiaku.Kozusinka sa da dat tiez dole.
Spodna cast sa da pouzivat ako taska .
Monitor dychu Babysense 1pro.
Detska hrazdicka vhodna na cesty .

Za 40€ , ale to je pre dievcatko ponukam detske hniezdo ,vankusik,prikryvka,ochrana okolo postielky a zavesny organizer. Seda farba - hviezdicky a druha strana je ruzova .

Vsetko je po 1dietatku.
Komplet za 970€ .

VIP obchodná vitrína