„Food is an integral part of our life, when consumed nourishes, build up tissues and supply heat“
Amalaki - A wonderful fruit full of natural vitamin C
Among the best fruit in our dietary system, Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) takes first place. It pacifies Tridoshas (three basic elements of our body). It has very high nutritional value and is the rich source of vitamin C. Our life style changes, competitive environment, lack of time and stress could be compensated by Amalaki as a food supplement.
Amalaki is called as ‘Indian gooseberry’. It is deciduous tree with gray bark and green leaves and 8-10 m in height. The flowers are greenish-yellow and fruit is spherical, light greenish yellow, smooth and hard with six vertical stripes.
Attributes of Amalaki
In Ayurveda, Amalaki is designated as a Rasayan, which means it acts on our three type of energies. It pacifies Vata (Air element) by its Sourness (Amlatwa), Pitta (Fire element) by sweetness (Madhuryata) and cold potency (Sheetata), and Kapha (Earth element) by astringent flavor (Kashayatwa) and dryness (Rookshatwa).
Description of Amalaki Rasayan Capsules
Amalaki Rasayan capsules (500 mg) are the 100% pure standardized herbal extract of Amalaki (Emblica officinalis). No chemicals, preservatives and artificial colors are added in the formulation and shells of capsules are made up from plant cellulose. Thereby, Amalaki Rasayana capsules are 100% vegie.
Capsules contain standardized extract of Amla fruit pulp. It is rich in calcium, iron, essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants.
Package, composition, dosage of Amalaki Rasayan Capsules
Composition: 100% standardised extract, each capsule contains 500 mg of extract of Emblica Officinalis 4:1. Vegetarian capsule shell made from plant cellulose containing active moiety.
Package: 60 capsules, 500 mg of pure herbal extract in each capsule extract, no additives
Dosage: 1- 2 capsules twice daily
Amalaki Rasayan capsules of planet Ayurveda are made from standardized extracts of best quality having no pesticides, no inorganic fertilizers and no added chemicals are there so no fear of anything these can be less potent or having side effects. This product has under gone potency, quality and purity check so that best quality reaches to people across the world.