Bergsteiner Capri 3-kombinacia + prislusenstvo

Bergsteiner Capri 3-kombinacia + prislusenstvo

Listing ID:
270.00 EUR
a domluvte se na podrobnostech dopravy.
Lokace produktu: Slovakia
Vrácení zboží:
Tento prodejce nepřijímá vrácení zboží.
Seller Details
Evropská uniePredajca #5738Seller

I am selling a combined German-made Bergsteiner Capri cat, one diet, in very good and fully functional condition. It is a three-combination: Chassis, egg (in the car and on the carriage), vanica sports part. All three can be mounted on a carriage on both sides (in the direction and in the opposite direction of travel). The stroller is robust, but very easy to handle, sprung, with inflatable wheels, which is a great advantage when driving on more demanding terrain. The price also includes accessories: Lower storage space under the carriage, handlebar bag, plastic rain foil, mosquito net, hooks for shopping bags for handlebars and, in the event of a defect, spare tubes for the front and rear wheels. The original instructions are in English, German and French. The product has received high ratings within the German tests for design, workmanship, comfort and accessories.

Price for the whole set: 270 EUR. Personal collection: Bratislava - Stare Mesto.

Predam kombinovany kociar Nemeckej vyroby Bergsteiner Capri, po jednom dietati, vo velmi dobrom a plne funkcnom stave. Jedna sa o trojkombinaciu: Podvozok, vajicko (do auta aj na kociar), vanicka sportova cast. Vsetky tri sa daju nasadit na kociar z oboch stran (v smere aj v protismere jazdy). Kociar je robustny, ale velmi lahko ovladatelny, odpruzeny, s nafukovacimi kolesami, co je velkou vyhodou v jazde narocnejsim terenom. Ku kociaru je v cene aj prislusenstvo: Spodny ulozny priestor pod kociarom, taska na riadidla, plastova folia do dazda, moskytiera, haky na nakupne tasky na riadidla a v pripade defektu nahradne duse do prednych aj zadnych kolies. Original navod je v anglictine, nemcine a francuzstine. Vyrobok ziskal vysoke hodnotenia v ramci Nemeckych testov za dizajn, spracovanie, komfort a prislusenstvo.

Cena za cely komplet: 270 EUR. Osobny odber: Bratislava – Stare Mesto.

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