Cybex Priam Platinum

Cybex Priam Platinum

Listing ID:
750.00 EUR
a domluvte se na podrobnostech dopravy.
Lokace produktu: Slovakia
Vrácení zboží:
Tento prodejce nepřijímá vrácení zboží.
Seller Details
Evropská uniePredajca #683Seller

I am selling a 3-combination Cybex Priam PLATINUM All Terrain, LUX+ bassinet (extended zippered canopy for better sun protection, wheels with a larger pattern and suspension) black construction
Price: €750
The stroller has been used for a year in top condition. The structure is scratched in a small place, the handle has been repaired, the handle has fallen in a small place) PC €1389 without isofix base and egg. Price: €750 including everything, including the sports part, tubs, eggs, bases for eggs, breast pads for both parts. With a quick transaction, a luxurious PacaPod leather diaper bag at a price of €120 and an insert for a newborn in the egg to support the head - Free.

Predam 3-kombinaciu Cybex Priam PLATINUM All Terrain, vanicka LUX + (predlzene striesky na zips pre lepsiu slnecnu ochranu, kolieska s vacsim dezenom a odpruzenim) konstrukcia cierna
Cena: 750€
Kocik je pouzivany rok v top stave. Na malom mieste poskrabana konstrukcia, opravena ma malom mieste osupana rukovat) PC 1389€ bez isofix bazy a vajicka. Cena: 750€ v cene vsetko, vratane sportovej casti, vanicky, vajicka, bazy na vajicko, prsiplaste na obe casti. Pri rychlom jednani luxusny prebalovaci ruksak kozeny PacaPod v cene 120€ a vlozka pre novorodenca do vajicka na oporu hlavicky - Zadarmo.

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