Gesslein F6 trojkombinacia

Gesslein F6 trojkombinacia

Listing ID:
120.00 EUR
a domluvte se na podrobnostech dopravy.
Lokace produktu: Slovakia
Vrácení zboží:
Tento prodejce nepřijímá vrácení zboží.
Seller Details
Evropská uniePredajca #8444Seller

I will sell a triple combination of Gesslein and an egg. I will sell a triple combination of a quality Gesslein cat with an egg. Included is: kocik (van seat chassis of course), egg in the car, which can be placed on the chassis kocik so that babo does not have to move, a bag for everything mom and baby need when they are away from home, another bag full of accessories - thermo bottle cover, parasol (very good thing), rainproof plastic, sun visor with UV protection 50, insect screen, document bag insert, travel changing mat, manual. resp.nanoznik, removable part of the roof allows you to ventilate very hot in hot days and let the air circulate, the handbrake as on a bicycle is a great helper on the way down the hill, on the whole cat a few pockets and places where small things, the lower basket is large and with a good attitude, it will fit a pretty decent purchase. The wheels are foamy, large, can be locked for better handling in the field. The seat can also be worn in the opposite direction to the direction of travel. The handle can be switched while driving by changing the direction of the diet without turning the seat (especially when the diet blows and snows into the shape or burns the sun). Anyone who also has minor damage that does not affect its functionality and are caused by handling and carrying in the car. The baby car seat (egg) also has a newborn insert, it is suitable within about 1 year. The cat adapters are already mounted.

Predam trojkombinaciu gesslein aj s vajockom.
Predam trojkombinaciu kvalitneho kocika Gesslein aj s vajickom. Súčasťou je: kocik (vanicka+ sedacia cast+ podvozok samozrejme), vajicko do auta, ktore je mozne nasadit na podvozok kocika,aby sa babo nemuselo prenasat, taska nna všetko,co mamicka a babatko potrebuju ked su mimo domova, dalsia taska plna doplnkov - termo obal na flasu,slnecnik (velmi dobra vec), plastenka proti dazdu, slnecna clona s UV ochranou 50,sietka proti hmyzu, vlozka do tasky na dokumenty, cestovna prebalovacia podlozka, manual.
Kocik je neskutocne vsestranny, z vanicky sa da urobit fusak,resp.nanoznik, odnimatelna cast striesky umoznuje v horucich dnoch velmi dobre vetrat v kociku a nechať cirkulovat vzduch, rucna brzda ako na bicykli je skvely pomocnik pri ceste z kopca, na celom kociku jenozstvo vreciek a miest,kam s drobnostami, spodny kosik je velky a s dobrym prístupom, zmesti sa don celkom slusny nakup. Kolieska su penove, velke, moznost zaaretovat pre lepsiu manipulaciu v terene. Sedaciu cast mozno nosit v smere aj proti smeru jazdy. Rucka sa da prehodit za jazdy tak,ze dietatu zmenite smer jazdy bez toho,aby ste otacali sedacou cast ( vhodne najma ked dietatu fuka a snezi do tvare,alebo pali slnko). Kocik ma aj drobne poškodenia,ktore nemaju vplyv na jeho funkcnost a su sposobene manipulaciou a prevazanim v aute.
Detska autosedacka (vajco) ma aj novorodenecku vlozku, je vhodna cca do 1 roka. Adaptery na kocik su uz namontovane.

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