Kocik GB QBIT PLUS modelova rada 2018

Kocik GB QBIT PLUS modelova rada 2018

Listing ID:
90.00 EUR
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Lokace produktu: Slovakia
Vrácení zboží:
Tento prodejce nepřijímá vrácení zboží.
Seller Details
Evropská uniePredajca #6504Seller

I am selling any GB Qbit Plus (2018), used - after one diet, it is in good condition, after normal use, its biggest advantage is compactness, especially after assembly. The size of the cat in the folded state is about 30x50x57cm, spread out - 72x49x105cm. Weighs about 7.9 kg. The construction is made of aluminum.
The front wheels are rotatable, they can of course be locked to go straight. The wheels are fully gelled, there is no need to blow them up. The backrest is adjustable so that it can be found. It has a front sleeve for a diet that is removable. The straps are adjustable. In the seating area in the leg area, the legs can be adjusted to a horizontal position, or they can hang slightly according to the inclination setting.
There is a plastic box and a universal insect screen for the cat.
Personal collection is possible in Stupava, or by sending directly to the address (payment in advance)

Predam kocik GB Qbit Plus (2018), pouzivany – po jednom dietati, je v dobrom vstave, po beznom pouzivani, jeho najvacsou vyhodou je kompaktnost, najma po zlozeni. Rozmer kocika v zlozenom stave je cca 30x50x57cm, rozlozeny – 72x49x105cm. Vazi cca 7,9 kg. Konstrukcia je z hlinika.
Predne kolesa su otocne, daju sa samozrejme zablokovat aby sli rovno. Kolesa su plne gelove, netreba ich dofukavat. Opierka je polohovatelna, da sa dat az nalezato. Ma prednu rukovat pre dieta, ktora je vyberatelna. Popruhy su nastavitelne. V sedacej casti v oblasti noh sa daju nohy nastavit do vodorovnej polohy, alebo mozu mierne visiet podla nastavenia sklonu.
Ku kociku je prislusenstvo plastenka a univerzalna sietka proti hmyzu.
Osobny odber je mozny v Stupave, alebo zaslanim priamo na adresu (platba vopred)

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