Violet Tea is a Flavoured Black Tea with a distinct floral character. Every sip evokes images of strolling through the English countryside on a brisk spring morning. It is a heavenly delight from start to finish, boasting an extraordinary profile unlike any other infusion. Be sure to buy Violet Flower Tea here at The Kent and Sussex Tea and Coffee Company, where every Loose Tea is packed fresh to order.
The Curious Story Behind Violet Leaf Tea
Violet (Viola odorata) is a flower native to Europe and Asia. Having since spread to North America, it consists of deep-purple heart-shaped petals that we use for making Flavoured Black Tea. The ancient Greek author Homer and the Roman poet Virgil referenced violets in their respective works. Athenians once considered them effective in moderating anger, procuring sleep and strengthening the heart.
Centuries later, Pliny the Elder prescribed a liniment of violet root and vinegar for gout and spleen disorders. Perhaps most famously, Napoleon had a great adoration for violets, growing up surrounded by them on the French island of Corsica. Before being exiled to Elba in 1814, he said he would “return with violets”. Instead, he was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo the following year.
Does Violet Tea Have Caffeine?
Drinking Black Tea with Violet is an excellent choice if you need help getting out of bed in the morning. This is because of its abundance of caffeine, a stimulating chemical compound that provides an energy boost upon consumption. Though the flowers are 100% void of the constituent, Black Tea leaves have about 45-mg per serving. That’s more than enough to start your day the right way.
What Does Violet Tea Taste Like?
You know about its botany and history. You know, too, about its ability to keep you awake and functioning. But what does Violet Tea taste like? What can you expect when you steep it to perfection? The simple answer is quite a lot indeed. More specifically, it boasts a sweet and floral aroma that transcends in flavour, combined with uniquely malty undertones and a wholesome aftertaste.
How to Make Violet Leaf Tea
Add about five grams of Violet Flower Tea to a Tea Filter or Infuser.
Place the Tea-filled accessory in a cup or mug.
Begin brewing by pouring in freshly boiled water.
Allow it to steep for 3-5 minutes.
How to Serve: Best served without additions.
Tasting Notes: Imparts floral overtones and malty undertones.
Violet Tea Benefits
It’s almost hard to believe that Black Tea with Violet can have a small yet significant influence over your physical wellbeing. The reason is its wealth in vitamins, minerals and other antioxidants, which, combined, neutralise free radicals in the body. The result is that it slows oxidative stress and reduces the risk of developing a plethora of chronic conditions. Here are its other abilities:
Enhances Cognitive Function.
Improves Cardiovascular Health.
Promotes Weight Loss.
Aids Digestion.
Boosts Immunity.