Elinchrom RX Speed 1200Ws, akkus vaku

Elinchrom RX Speed 1200Ws, akkus vaku

Listing ID:
A Leírásban
430.94 EUR
Hozzávetőlegesen 170,000.00 HUF
eladóval a szállítási részletek egyeztetéséhez.
Termék helye: Budapest, Hungary
Ez az eladó nem fogad el visszaküldést.
Seller Details
Európai UnióSeller #19221Seller
Feltétel:A Leírásban

Eladova valt Elinchrom Ranger Rx Speed battery pack-em! A generator 1200 Ws teljesitmenyu, tudomasom szerint a fej 3000-ig mukodik. A Ranger Rx Speed battery pack-bol ketto fajta van, nekem az asszimetrikus verzio van, ami azt jelenti hogy a "B" csatlakozo fele telejsitmenyet nyujtja az "A"-nak. Termeszetesen a battery pack 2 fejet is meghajt egyszerre ami ertelemszeruen a fenti aranyok alajan mukodik.
A szetthez adok meg egy extra akkumulatort is. A ket aksi belseje uj belso aksikkal lett ellatva mostanaban, tehat teljesen ujnak szamitanak. Maximalis kapacitason 300 koruli villanasra kepesek.

A szett tartalma:
Eredeti Elinchrom hord koffer
Battery Pack 1200Ws (asszimetrikus), vallpantal
2 cserelheto uj akkumulator
gyari tolto
egy hosszu vakuszinkron kabel
egy rovid radio kioldo kabel

Ami nem tartozeka a szettnek de ha igeny van ra van egy elado elinchrom kabelhosszabitom hozza, egy elinchrom kerek ernyo szoftbox, egy elinchrom barndoors kulon reflektorral es egy softbox atalakoto gyuru! Tovabba van meg egy harmadik aksi aminek a belseje felujitasra szorul, ami nem koltseges.

Alapvetoen a szet ugyanazokkal a specifikaciokkal bir mint a Profoto Pro-7b 1200 Battery Operated Power Pack, vagy a piacon nem regen megjelent Godox Ad1200Pro akkumulatoros vaku, leszamitva hogy az csak 1 fejet hajt meg.

My Elinchrom Ranger Rx Speed battery pack is for sale! The generator has a performance of 1200 Ws, as far as I know, the head works up to 3000. There are two types of the Ranger Rx Speed battery pack, I have the asymmetric version, which means that the connector half of "B" provides full power to "A". Naturally, the battery pack drives 2 heads at the same time, which logically works under the above golds.
I will also provide an extra battery for the set. The interior of the two axles has recently been covered with new inner axles, so they are completely new. At maximum capacity, they are capable of 300-year-old electricity.

Contents of the set:
Original Elinchrom carry case
Battery Pack 1200Ws (asymmetrical), with strap
2 replaceable new batteries
flash head,
factory pusher
honeycomb grid
a long flash sync cable
a Rovid radio release cable

What is not part of the set, but if you have it, I have an elinchrom cable extension bit for sale, an elinchrom round shade softbox, an elinchrom barndoors with reflector and a softbox conversion ring! There is also a third case, the interior of which needs to be repaired, which is not hinged.

Basically, the set has the same specifications as the Profoto Pro-7b 1200 Battery Operated Power Pack or the recently released Godox Ad1200Pro battery flash, except that it only drives 1 head.

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