HP Reverb G2

HP Reverb G2

Listing ID:
A Leírásban, Használt
Nincs megadva
329.00 EUR
eladóval a szállítási részletek egyeztetéséhez.
Termék helye: Bratislava, Slovakia
Ez az eladó nem fogad el visszaküldést.
Seller Details
Európai UnióSeller #13750Seller
Feltétel:A Leírásban, Használt


I will sell a great headset for virtual reality HP Reverb G2, bought on May 8, 2021 with the original box and extra accessories (great Christmas gift). Headset and controls are 100% functional. I've used it to play Pavlov VR, VR Rec Room, MS Flight Simulator, Population One and tons of other VR titles through Steam VR. I give an extra accessory to the headset (included in the price). It is great for entertainment, has a high resolution, quality microphones and tracks controls well. The headset was well taken care of the whole time. When it was not used, it was in a special paid bag, the lenses/glasses are undamaged, all the pixels work. The interested party will have the opportunity to try it out (it is still connected to the PC but is turned off).

I will give the headset (included in the price):
2x Replacement sets, replacement masks (+ the third one on the headset)
4x Replacement extra protectors in the form of a dry zip and can be easily removed and glued
1x Set of lens protectors for glasses
5x Kiwi pully system so that the cable can be hung on the ceiling and you can comfortably move with the headset
4x Rechargeable batteries for the controls


predam skvely headset pre virtualnu realitu HP Reverb G2, kupeny 8 Maja 2021 s originalnou krabicou a extra prislusenstvom (skvely darcek na vianoce). Headset aj ovladace su 100% funkcne. Pouzival som ho na hranie Pavlov VR, VR Rec Room, MS Flight Simulator, Population One a kopec inych VR titulov cez Steam VR. K headsetu davam (v cene) extra prisulosenstvo. Je skvely na zabavu, ma vysoke rozlicenie, kvalitne mikrofony a dobre trackuje ovladace. O headset bolo celu dobu dobre postarane. Ked sa nepouzival, bol v specialnej platenej taske, sosovky/skla su neposkodene, vsetky pixely funguju. Zaujemca bude mat moznost ho vyskusat (je stale pripojeny k PC ale je vypnuty).

K headsetu dam (v cene):
2x Nahradne komplene nahradne masky (+ tretia na headsete)
4x Nahradne extra chranice tvare, ktore su na suchy zips a daju sa lahko odlepit a nalepit
1x Sada chranicov sosoviek na okuliare
5x Kiwi pully system aby kabel mohol vysiet na strope a komfortne sa dalo hybat s headsetom
4x Nabijatelne baterky do ovladacov

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