Certifikát spoločnosti International Mercantile Marine

Certifikát spoločnosti International Mercantile Marine

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50.00 EUR
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Termék helye: Slovakia
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SzlovákiaDe La Cross - Collectibles & GiftsRetailer

Quoting Wikipedia: The International Mercantile Marine Co., originally the International Navigation Company, was a trust formed in the early twentieth century as an attempt by J.P. Morgan to monopolize the shipping trade.

IMM was founded by shipping magnates Clement Griscom of the American Line and Red Star Line, Bernard N. Baker of the Atlantic Transport Line, J. Bruce Ismay of the White Star Line, and John Ellerman of the Leyland Line. The Dominion Line was also amalgamated. The project was bankrolled by J.P. Morgan & Co., led by financier J. P. Morgan. The company also had working profit-sharing relationships with the German Hamburg-Amerika and the North German Lloyd lines. The trust caused great concern in the British shipping industry and led directly to the British government’s subsidy of the Cunard Line’s new ships RMS Lusitania and RMS Mauretania in an effort to compete. However, IMM dramatically overpaid to acquire some of the amalgamated companies, due to overestimation of potential profits.

IMM was a holding company that controlled subsidiary corporations that had their own subsidiaries. Morgan hoped to dominate transatlantic shipping through interlocking directorates and contractual arrangements with the railroads, but that proved impossible because of the nature of sea transport, American antitrust legislation, and an agreement with the British government. One of IMM’s subsidiaries was the White Star Line, which owned the RMS Titanic. Analysis of financial records shows that IMM was overleveraged and suffered from inadequate cash flow that caused it to default on bond interest payments in late 1914. As a result, a „friendly“ receivership was put in effect in 1915, which allowed IMM to reorganize its finances; it emerged from the receivership in 1916. Saved by World War I, IMM eventually re-emerged, after a merger with Roosevelt Steamship Company, as the United States Lines, which itself went bankrupt in 1986.

The certificate is sold unframed.

Titanic alebo RMS Titanic (RMS je skratka pre Royal Mail Ship – Kráľovský poštový parník) bol luxusný zaoceánsky parník triedy Olympic patriaci spoločnosti White Star Line. Jeho úlohou mal byť prevoz cestujúcich a pošty medzi Európou a Severnou Amerikou. Kapacita lode dovoľovala nalodenie 2 453 až 2 603 cestujúcich, batožiny a obmedzený počet kočiarov alebo automobilov. O prevádzku lode a o pohodlie cestujúcich sa staralo 885 až 899 členov posádky. Na trase Európa–Amerika mal konkurovať podobným parníkom spoločnosti Cunard Line (Mauretanii a Lusitanii).

Titanic však stroskotal už počas svojej prvej plavby v noci zo 14. na 15. apríla roku 1912. Zahynulo okolo 1 500 cestujúcich a členov posádky. V tom čase išlo o najväčší osobný parník sveta. Postavený bol v lodeniciach Harland and Wolff v Belfaste v Írsku. Prvá cesta, vyplávanie z prístavu 10. apríla 1912, smerovala z anglického Southamptonu cez francúzsky Cherbourg a írsky Queenstown (dnes Cobh v grófstve Cork) do amerického New Yorku s 2 224 ľuďmi na palube. K tragédii došlo 14. apríla 1912 o 23:40 hod., kedy sa Titanic zrazil s ľadovcom. Po necelých troch hodinách, nad ránom 15. apríla o 02:20 hod., klesol ku dnu. Príčinou vysokého počtu obetí bol nedostatok záchranných člnov a súhra ďalších okolností.

Skaza Titanicu je jednou z najznámejších námorných katastrof. Titanic sa stal námornou legendou z niekoľkých dôvodov: stroskotal pri prvej (panenskej) plavbe, hoci bol označovaný za nepotopiteľný, katastrofa priniesla vysoký počet obetí. Katastrofe sa neskôr dostalo širokej mediálnej publicity aj kvôli legendám, ktoré vznikli okolo príčiny a priebehu potopenia, a v neposlednom rade aj objavením zachovalého vraku v hlbinách Atlantiku.

Certifikát sa predáva nezarámovaný.

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