Sky-Watcher DOBSON 8

Sky-Watcher DOBSON 8" GoTo Star Telescope

Listing ID:
A Leírásban
Nincs megadva
1,600.00 EUR
eladóval a szállítási részletek egyeztetéséhez.
Termék helye: Nitra, Slovakia
Ez az eladó nem fogad el visszaküldést.
Seller Details
Európai UnióSeller #14504Seller
Feltétel:A Leírásban

I am selling an astronomical telescope Sky-Watcher DOBSON 8" Flex GoTo 203/1200 with a motorized assembly that enables automatic navigation to objects. I am selling it complete with accessories that I gradually bought. Omegon Power Tank battery, 7Ah/12 V for powering the telescope. Better quality eyepieces such as the OMEGON LE Planetary 5mm 1.25" and the Omegon Oberon 19mm 2". In addition, I also bought a ZWO ASI482MC camera for deep objects (the camera is connected via a USB cable to the laptop). The original price for which it was bought:
telescope Sky-Watcher Dobson 8" Flex Tube GoTo (1275 euros)
Eyepiece Omegon Oberon 19mm 2″ (168.50 euros)
Eyepiece OMEGON LE Planetary 5mm 1.25" (148 euros)
Camera ZWO ASI482MC (386 euros)
Battery Omegon Power Tank, 7Ah/12 V (145 euros)
In total, it is 2122 euros.
Considering that it was hardly used, the price is 1600 euros, or the price can be negotiated.
Personal collection only.
In case of any questions, please contact me.
well thank you

Predám hvezdársky ďalekohľad Sky-Watcher DOBSON 8" Flex GoTo 203/1200 s motorizovanou montážou ktorá umožňuje automatickú navigáciu na objekty. Predávam ho komplet s príslušenstvom ktoré som si postupne dokúpil. Batéria Omegon Power Tank,7Ah/12 V pre napájanie teleskopu. Kvalitnejšie okuláre ako je OMEGON LE Planetary 5mm 1,25″ a Omegon Oberon 19mm 2″. Navyše som k tomu dokúpil aj kameru ZWO ASI482MC na deep objekty (kamera sa pripája cez USB kábel do notebooku).
Pôvodná cena za akú to bolo kúpené:
Hvězdářský teleskop Sky-Watcher Dobson 8" Flex Tube GoTo (1275 eur)
Okulár Omegon Oberon 19mm 2″ (168,50 eur)
Okulár OMEGON LE Planetary 5mm 1,25″ (148 eur)
Kamera ZWO ASI482MC (386 eur)
Batéria Omegon Power Tank,7Ah/12 V (145 eur)
Do kopy to je 2122 eur
Vzhľadom na to že bol málo používaný tak cena je 1600 eur pripadne dohoda na cene.
Len osobný odber
V prípade akýchkoľvek otázok ma kontaktujte.

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