Certifikát Pittsburgh a Lake Erie Railroad Co.

Certifikát Pittsburgh a Lake Erie Railroad Co.

Listing ID:
Szállítás ide:
RaktáronUtolsó eladó darab.
480.00 EUR
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eladóval a szállítási részletek egyeztetéséhez.
Termék helye: Slovakia
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Retailer Details
SzlovákiaDe La Cross - Collectibles & GiftsRetailer

The Pittsburgh and Lake Erie Railroad (P&LE), also known as the "Little Giant", was formed on May 11, 1875. Company headquarters were located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The line connected Pittsburgh in the east with Youngstown, Ohio at nearby Haselton, Ohio in the west and Connellsville, Pennsylvania to the east. It did not reach Lake Erie (at Ashtabula, Ohio) until the formation of Conrail in 1976. The P&LE was known as the "Little Giant" since the tonnage that it moved was out of proportion to its route mileage. While it operated around one tenth of one percent of the nation's railroad miles, it hauled around one percent of its tonnage. This was largely because the P&LE served the steel mills of the greater Pittsburgh area, which consumed and shipped vast amounts of materials. It was a specialized railroad deriving much of its revenue from coal, coke, iron ore, limestone, and steel. The eventual closure of the steel mills led to the end of the P&LE as an independent line in 1992.

The certificate is sold unframed.

Pittsburgh a Lake Erie železnice (P&LE), tiež známy ako "Little Giant", bol vytvorený 11. mája 1875. Sídlo spoločnosti sa nachádzalo v Pittsburghu v Pensylvánii. Linka pripojila Pittsburgh na východe s Youngstown, Ohio v neďalekom Haselton, Ohio na západe a Connellsville, Pennsylvania na východ. To nedosiahlo Lake Erie (u Ashtabula, Ohio) až do vytvorenia Conrail v roku 1976. P&LE bol známy ako "Little Giant", pretože tonáž, že sa pohyboval bol z pomeru k jeho kilometrový prejazd. Kým to operovalo okolo jednej desatiny jedného percenta železničných míľ národa, ťahalo okolo jedného percenta svojej tonáže. To bolo do značnej miery preto, že spoločnosť P&LE slúžila oceliarňam väčšej oblasti v Pittsburghu, ktorá spotrebovala a prepravovala obrovské množstvo materiálov. Bola to špecializovaná železnica, ktorá pochádzala zo svojich príjmov z uhlia, koksu, železnej rudy, vápenca a ocele. Konečné uzavretie oceliarní viedlo v roku 1992 k ukončeniu P&LE ako samostatnej línie.

Certifikát sa predáva nezarámovaný.

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