Kávovar Nespresso Essensa Mini

Kávovar Nespresso Essensa Mini

Listing ID:
Used, Used
Not Specified
50.00 EUR
to negotiate shipping details.
Product Location: Slovakia
This seller does not accept returns.
Seller Details
European UnionSeller #453Seller
Condition:Used, Used

I offer a fully functional but currently unused coffee machine on a Nespresso Essensa Mini capsule.
The coffee machine is easy to operate and works quietly and reliably on Nespresso capsules.
It is an adjustable vending machine for the volume of coffee in a cup. Changing the volume is very easy by holding down the button while dispensing coffee.
The coffee machine was used at home and regularly treated and decalcified monthly.
We replaced it with a coffee bean machine and it remained unused.
The coffee machine is suitable wherever you want to enjoy fragrant and tasty coffee to your liking, in the office, at home, in a cottage or cottage.
The coffee machine has a manual and the original packaging.
In the case of personal collection, we can agree on the price.
Post office is not a problem + 10 €

Ponúkam plne funkčný no v súčasnej dobe nevyužívaný kávovar na kapsule Nespresso Essensa Mini.
Kávovar má jednoduchú prevádzku a funguje ticho a spolaľhlivo na kapsule Nespresso.
Je to nastaviteľný automat na objem kávy do šálky. Zmena objemu je veľmi jednoduchá, pridržaním tlačidla počas výdaja kávy.
Kávovar bol používaný v domácnosti a pravidelne ošetrovaný a mesačne odvápňovaný.
Nahradili sme ho automatom na zrnkovú kávu a tak ostal nevyužitý.
Kávovar je vhodný všade, kde si chcete vychutnať voňavú a chutnú kávu podľa seba, v kancelárii, doma, na chalupe či chate.
Ku kávovaru je manuál a originál obal.
V prípade osobného odberu sa na cene vieme dohodnúť.
Pošta nieje problém +10€

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