Menghai Puerh Ripe Tea Cake Black Tea Health Care Yunnan Palace Pu'er Tea 357g

Menghai Puerh Ripe Tea Cake Black Tea Health Care Yunnan Palace Pu'er Tea 357g

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Pu-erh Pu to erh
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24.10 EUR
Approximately 26.11 USD
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Product Location: Slovakia
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Type:Pu-erh Pu to erh

2002 Puer Yunnan Bulang Mt. GongTing Golden Buds Tea Shu Puerh Ripe Cake 357g
Puer Category: Ripe Tea
Net Weight: 357g/ cake. The price is only for one cake.
Production date: 2002 Year,
Storage time: The longer the better
Packing: Vintage wrapping paper
List of ingredients: Yunnan big leaves arbor drying green maocha
Origin: Yunnan Xishuangbanna Menghai County
Pu-erh tea can be purchased as either raw/green (sheng) or ripened/cooked (shu), depending on processing method or aging. Sheng pu-erh can be roughly classified on the tea oxidation scale as a green tea, and the shou or aged-green variants as post-fermented tea.

Unlike other teas that should ideally be consumed shortly after production, pu-erh can be drunk immediately or aged for many years; pu-erh teas are often now classified by year and region of production much like wine vintages.

Pu'Er tea has been celebrated since the T ang Dynasty ( 618AD-906AD ) for its health benefits and curative powers in certain diseases. Modern science has recently shown that the health benefits of Pu'er tea may be more than just Chinese folklore. Since 1970 France, Japan and China have been conducting many scientific studies on Pu'Er tea which suggest that :

Keep drinking Pu'er Tea, a way to good health.

Improving digestion, burning the body fat

Enhance immune system

Reduce cholesterol in the blood stream.

Reduce high blood fat.

Help prevent intestinal infection, digestive problems and constipation.

Help to prevent the formation of cancer cells in the body due to its anti-oxidants.

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