Xiaomi Scooter 365 2, Pro

Xiaomi Scooter 365 2, Pro

Listing ID:
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330.00 EUR
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Product Location: Slovakia
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European UnionSeller #5042Seller

I am selling a sporadically used scooter, used mainly for the journey from the station to school. Quality piece of metal.

I adjusted it a bit, glued the strips, tied the cables, etc. Plus I changed the tires for non-pneumatic ones. Very often defects were made. I'm not sorry. Disadvantage, slightly higher consumption by about 10%.

Discharged from a maximum of 100 to 60%. Powerful 600W motor, range 45 km. In the eco. Here and there are mainly in the lower part around the engine skrancky, do not defend yourself, stones, dirty roads, etc. They do their thing. Purchased reflective strips on the hand (not shown in the photo). I'll add a brake disc. In person or by cash on delivery. Upon cash on delivery, payment of postage to the account.

Predám sporadicky používanú kolobežku, využívajú hlavne na cestu zo stanice do školy. Kvalitný kus kovu.

Trošku som si ju upravil, nalepil pásiky, zviazal káble, atď. Plus vymenil som pneumatiky za bez vzduchové. Veľmi často sa robili defekty. Neľutujem. Nevýhoda, trošku väčšia spotreba asi o 10%.

Vybíjaná maximálne zo 100 na 60%. Silný 600W motor, dojazd 45 km. V eko. Sem tam sú hlavne v spodnej časti okolo motora skranceky, neubranite sa, kamienky, špinavé cesty, atď. Robia svoje. Dokupene reflexné pásiky na ručné (nezobrazuje na fotke). Pridám brzdný kotúč. Osobne alebo dobierkou. Pri dobierke, platba poštovného na účet.

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