Cream Earl Grey Tea

Cream Earl Grey Tea

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Cream Earl Grey is a rich, indulgent Black Tea brimming with character and charm. It is a blend of Ceylon Tea, the leaves of which come from Dimbula, Uva and Nuwara Eliya, with cornflowers, bergamot oil and all-natural flavouring.

The result is, put simply, exquisite. Expect a distinctly brisk, citrusy flavour and creamy undertones from first to last sip.

Additionally, Cream Earl Grey contains a reasonable amount of caffeine (approx. 45-mg per 8-oz cup) and, according to research, comes with health benefits. Perhaps most importantly, The Kent and Sussex Tea and Coffee Company pack it fresh to order here at our Kent-based factory. This is our way of ensuring quality and consistency, time and time again.

What is Earl Grey?
Oil from the citrusy bergamot fruit (a relative of the orange) is what makes this Ceylon Tea an Earl Grey. But what are the origins of this flavour in Tea?

No one knows. There is, however, one interesting, if unfounded, theory. The story goes that Charles Grey, 2nd Earl Grey travelled to China on a diplomatic mission. While there, he saved a young boy from drowning in a river.

The boy’s father, overcome with gratitude, gifted the Earl with Black Tea leaves scented with bergamot oil. In time, the infusion took on his name. Yet it’s worth noting that the 19th century Prime Minister never made such a trip to China.

As a result, the story is little more than a myth. The fact of the matter is we’ll likely never know the truth. Regardless, we’re glad that it happened - one way or another!

Useful Information
Type of Tea: Black Tea.

Origin: Tea Leaves from Dimbula, Uva and Nuwara Eliya in Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon).

Ingredients: Black Tea Leaves, Bergamot Oil, Cornflower Petals and All-Natural Flavouring.

Brewing Instructions: Brew using freshly boiled water. Infuse for 3 to 5 minutes.

How to Serve: Milk, sugar, honey or lemon - the choice is yours. Alternatively, serve black.

Tasting Notes: Imparts smooth, citrusy flavours with a bold, creamy finish.

Colour in Cup: Coppery liquor, dark in tone.

Health Benefits of Cream Earl Grey Tea
Habitual Tea drinking (at least three times a week) could support a longer, healthier life. This is according to a study published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, which saw 100,902 volunteers split into two groups.

The first group comprised participants who drank three or more cups of Tea a week. The second group included those who drank less than three brews a week.

Both sets of test subjects were followed-up for a median of 7.3 years. The results ultimately establish that 50-year-old habitual Tea drinkers had a 20% lower risk of developing coronary heart disease.

Additionally, scientists noted that these same brew lovers could live up to 1.26 years longer than someone who never or rarely drank Tea. Pretty neat for your new favourite beverage, wouldn’t you agree?

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