Predam Golf Set - Callaway - Apex + bag Bag Boy

Predam Golf Set - Callaway - Apex + bag Bag Boy

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799.00 EUR
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Lokácia produktu: Bratislava, Slovakia
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Predam kompletny Golf Set - Callaway - Apex (ocel shaft) + bag Bag Boy + dazdnik - top stav a top kvalita - v cene - 6x zeleza, 2x wedge, 1x driver, 1x fairway, 1x hybrid - vsetko Big Bertha (povodna cena celkom 1.750 EUR) + pridam trening lopty, obal proti dazdu.

Set je urceny tak pre zaciatocnikov az pokrocilych, velmi dobre hratelne zeleza, az po single handicap.

The First Apex Iron Designed With A.I.
Našou A.I.(umelá inteligencia) navrhnutý Flash Face Cup je vôbec prvýkrát v kovanom Apex železe. Unikátna architektúra Flash Face v každom železe vytvára vysoké hodnoty COR pre vysoké rýchlosti lopty a vylepšenú odolnosť spinu pre každú palicu. Táto súprava je navrhnutá pre vzdialenosť, ktorú chcete vidieť, a pre lepšiu kontrolu, ako ste kedy mali.
Consistent Launch and Increased Forgiveness
Prvýkrát sme naše jadro Tungsten Energy Core implementovali do Apex Iron. Vďaka 5-násobnému volfrámu oproti Apex 19 môžeme presne umiestniť ťažisko, aby sme podporili vynikajúci štart v celej sade a viac odpustenia pri výstreloch mimo stredu.
Forged Blade Feel In A Players Distance Iron
Apex železá sú známe pre svoj čistý pocit a Apex 21 sa nijako nelíšia. Telo železa je 100% vykované z mäkkej uhlíkovej ocele 1025 a naše patentované uretánové mikrosféry poskytujú výnimočný zvuk a pocit pri kontakte. Vylepšené tvarovanie tiež pomáha zlepšiť pocit z trávnika.

I will sell a complete Golf Set - Callaway - Apex (steel shaft) + Bag Boy bag + umbrella - top condition and top quality - included - 6 irons, 2 wedges, 1 driver, 1 fairway, 1 hybrid - all Big Bertha (total price EUR 1,750) + I will add a training ball, dust cover.

The set is intended for both beginners and advanced, very well playable irons, up to single handicap.

The First Apex Iron Designed With AI
Our AI designed Flash Face Cup is the first ever in a forged Apex iron. The unique Flash Face architecture in each iron creates high COR values ​​for high ball speeds and improved spin resistance for each club. This kit is designed for the distance you want to see and for better control than you've ever had.
Consistent Launch and Increased Forgiveness
We implemented our Tungsten Energy Core for the first time in the Apex Iron. With 5x the tungsten over the Apex 19, we can precisely position the center of gravity to promote superior launch throughout the set and more forgiveness on off-center shots.
Forged Blade Feel In A Players Distance Iron
Apex irons are known for their clean feel and the Apex 21 is no different. The iron body is 100% forged from 1025 mild carbon steel and our patented urethane microspheres provide exceptional sound and feel on contact. The improved shaping also helps improve the feel of the turf.

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