Kurkumín 95 Kapsule

Kurkumín 95 Kapsule

ID produktu:
Planet Ayurveda
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17.90 EUR
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Kurkumín Planet Ayurveda

Kapsuly Kurkumín Planet Ayurveda obsahujú štandardizovaný extrakt 7:1 z podzemku rastliny Curcuma longa (Turmeric) s obsahom až 95% kurkuminoidov. Obsah 1 kapsuly: 500 mg štandardizovaného extraktu.

Kapsuly plnené štandardizovaným extraktom poskytujú hneď niekoľko výhod oproti kapsuliam plneným surovým bylinným práškom či bežným extraktom. Prečítajte si viac štandardizovanom extrakte.

Kapsuly Kurkumín Planet Ayurveda sú čisto prírodné, obsahujú 100 % štandardizovaný extrakt. Neobsahujú žiadne ďalšie plnivá, aditíva ani chemické látky. 

Vhodné pre vegetariánov aj vegánov.

 Účinky rastliny Curcuma longa (Kurkuma):

Kurkuma (Curcuma longa) sa používa v ajurvédskej aj čínskej medicíne pre svoje široké pôsobenie na mnohé telesné funkcie. Curcuma longa má priaznivý vplyv na normálnu činnosť pečene, krvný obeh, imunitný systém, nervovú sústavu, dýchací systém, stav pokožky aj stav kĺbov. Prispieva tiež k duševnej  pohode.

Kurkumín je jeden z najlepších prírodných prostriedkov pri rôznych infekciách, vrátane infekcií ktoré odporevádza veľká produkcia hnisu.

Kurkumín sa tiež používa ako mierny prírodný prostriedok na riedenie krvi.

Spolu s Neemom sa používa pri zle hojacich sa ranách ako aj pri problémoch s mykózami.

U nás sa bežne používa rozomletý koreň rastliny Curcuma longa  ako korenie – kurkuma. V našich kapsuliach nájdete účinnejšiu formu – štandardizovaný extrakt v pomere 7:1.

Curcumin is the main biologically active compound of Turmeric. Turmeric is a traditional herbal supplement and Curcumin uses have been described for thousands of years in Ayurveda. Curcumin capsules have proven efficacy in treating various ailments. Curcumin supplements are very effective for the treatment of cancer, for the treatment of various skin diseases, help to purify the blood and are antiseptic by nature. Uses of Curcumin include treatment of digestion disorders, diarrhea and dysentery. Curcumin supplements are natural and its regular use protects from the damage caused by free radicals. Curcumin capsules contain pure herbal extract of standardized curcumin.

Over the last several years, there has been increasing interest in turmeric and its medicinal properties. This is partially evidenced by the large numbers of scientific studies published on this topic. Turmeric (Curcuma longa), a flowering plant in the ginger family, is widely used as a food coloring and is one of the principal ingredients in curry powder. Turmeric has long been used in both Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine as an anti-inflammatory, to treat digestive disorders and liver problems, and for the treatment of skin diseases and wound healing. 

Latin name – Curcuma longa

Positive effects of Curcuma longa:

  • Possitive effect on normal function of liver.
  • Possitive effect on blood circulation.
  • Improves immunity system, nervous system, breathing system.
  • Improves quality of skin.
  • Improves function of joints.

Package, composition, dosage:

Composition: 100% standardized extract, each capsule contains 500 mg extract of Curcuma longa ( Extract Ratio 7:1 ) Linn. (Zingiberaceae) containing 95% of curcuminoids. Vegetarian capsule shell made from plant cellulose containing active moiety.

Package: 60 capsules, 500 mg of pure herbal extract in each capsule, no additives 

Dosage: 1- 2 capsules twice daily after each meal with milk or plain water

Curcumin capsules of planet Ayurveda are made from standardized extracts of best quality having no pesticides, no inorganic fertilizers and no added chemicals are there so no fear of anything these can be less potent or having side effects. This product has under gone potency, quality and purity check so that best quality reaches to people across the world.

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