Lapsang Souchong Formosa Dragon

Lapsang Souchong Formosa Dragon

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A true treasure from Taiwan, this loose leaf black tea is one of the finest quality Lapsang Souchong Formosa teas currently available on the market. Unlike our other, similar teas, like Lapsang Souchong Osprey, or Lapsang Souchong Falcon Lapsang Slouching Formosa Dragon is not produced in China. Instead, it is masterfully cultivated in Formosa otherwise known as Taiwan, home to some truly delicious teas well-known around the world.

Lapsang Souchong Formosa Dragon is no exception, offering a smooth, delectable and distinctly smoky flavours, as well as enticingly rich aromas, reminiscent of long walks in the forest after rainfall.

The story of Lapsang Souchong Tea begins in China, during a time when the island of Taiwan (fformerly known as Formosa) was not yet a country unto itself. Over the course of this tea’s existence, there have been many myths and legends circulating its origins, with no definitive answer as to how or when it was first produced.

One such story, however, refers to a time of great upheaval in China’s history, as warlords and local bandit gangs pillaged provinces without restraint. This legend follows a small group of farmers, whose modest wealth had begun to attract unwanted attention from thieves and scoundrels. Soon, these bandits grew restless, and as the labourers began to harvest their tea, they found themselves faced with an ultimatum.

The farmers were expected to pay ‘protection’ money for their businesses to thrive without incident, or they would be forced to suffer the severe and potentially deadly consequences for their refusal. With little choice available to them, the farmers made the brave decision to push harder and harvest the best leaves for oxidising before the bandits returned for their money. Placing these leaves in carefully vented pine sheds, everything had seemed to go to plan until the gang returned; setting the buildings ablaze.

Once the fires were eventually extinguished, the farmers discovered that not all of the tea leaves had been destroyed. Despite this, the tea was essentially deemed useless. It had succumbed to the incessant smoke, and would surely be unsellable. With nothing left to lose, the farmers took their ‘ruined’ produce to the market, where it was eventually inspected by Dutch traders looking to deal with the locals.

To everyone’s surprise, they adored the smokey flavours absorbed from the fire, and purchased the entire stock! There is no way of knowing if there is any truth behind this tale, but one thing can be said, without a doubt – Lapsang Tea has survived, through thick and thin, to become a unique beverage enjoyed around the world, and it is certainly here to stay!

The history of tea growing in Taiwan dates back to the 17th Century, when the island served as a strategic seafaring port between China and ships bound for Europe. During the infamous Qing Dynasty (1644-1912), Chinese immigration to the island reached record highs, prompting a massive boom in the Formosan tea industry.

This subsequently led to the mass-production of teas such as Oolong, as well as, of course, Lapsang Souchong. Today, Taiwan’s contribution to the world of tea is well documented, and despite its political turbulence with neighbouring China, the island nation continues to produce a countless number of truly remarkable beverages, including our very own Lapsang Slouching Dragon Formosa!

Type of Tea: Black Loose Leaf.

Origin: Nantou County, Taiwan.

Brewing Instructions: Brew using freshly boiled water and infuse for 3 to 5 minutes.

How to Serve: This beverage is noted to be particularly strong in flavour, and some consumers may wish to add milk. If that is not to your taste, however, consider adding honey or even lemon. Alternatively, The Kent and Sussex Tea and Coffee Company believe this tea to be best served as it is.

Tasting Notes: An unmistakably ‘Lapsang Souchong’ blend from the first sip, this beverage holds strong smokey flavours, with slight grassy undertones. As well as this, consumers who choose to drink this tea without any additions may taste delicate woody notes; leaving a delicious aftertaste long after you have drained your cup.

Colour in Cup: Golden liquor, dark in tone.

Benefits of Lapsang Tea: When it comes to the health benefits of Lapsang Souchong Formosa Teas, they are often no different to their Chinese counterparts. That is to say, our Lapsang Slouching Dragon Formosa is noted to improve cardiovascular and immune system health, as well as potentially holding the key to weight loss! Lapsang Slouching Dragon has the ability to boost the metabolism of your body, while allowing you to burn calories more efficiently. This essentially means that, when consumed alongside a healthy and active lifestyle, this tea can provide you with additional power to keep those pesky pounds off!

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