Mango Tea

Mango Tea

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Mango Tea is a Loose Leaf Flavoured Black Tea. It is one of the most popular products we stock - and with good reason. Every sip conjures images of sun-kissed paradises half a world away.

We take pride in packing it - like all of our 1,000 types of Tea and 70 types of Coffee - fresh to order. This is our way of ensuring not only quality but also consistency. Discover what it can offer today.
What Does Mango Tea Taste Like?

Visions of exotic beaches and wild jungles are one thing. The specifics concerning the taste of Mango Tea are another. So what can you expect when you brew up?

This Loose Leaf Tea has a rich, fruity, tropical flavour with sweet notes and malty undertones. Such is its incredible allure, in fact, that, undoubtedly, you’ll be making another cuppa in no time at all.
Does Mango Tea Have Caffeine?

The mango fruit, alone, is 100% void of caffeine. Tea leaves, on the other hand, particularly heavily oxidised ones used in Black Tea, contain around 45-mg per serving. Should you be looking to cut down on your intake, in other words, then you might be better off with Decaf Tea.

However, if you need help starting your day the right way, our Mango Tea is an excellent choice.
How to Make Mango Black Tea

1, Put Tea leaves into a Tea Infuser or Filter (both available here).

2, Place the Tea-filled accessory in a mug or cup.

3, Pour freshly boiled water at 100°C over the leaves.

4, Allow it to steep for 3-5 minutes.

How to Serve: Best served without additions. However, some like milk, sugar, honey or lemon.

Tasting Notes: Imparts sweet, tropical overtones and malty undertones.
Mango Black Tea Benefits

Is Mango Tea good for you? Absolutely. We’ve mentioned already that it promotes weight loss, the reason being that it boosts the metabolism of fat cells.

This enables the body to burn fat quicker and more efficiently, meaning that periods of exercise produce better, more noticeable results. It also improves heart health, aids digestion, supports the immune system and even keeps your skin looking its finest.
Mango Leaves Tea for Diabetes

Furthermore, Black Mango Tea health benefits can reduce the risk of developing type-2 diabetes. The answers come from a study published in the Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

It established that your new favourite beverage might have the potential to blunt increases in blood pressure. The Tea’s abundance in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, too, could serve as vital support.
Can I Drink Mango Tea During Pregnancy?

Those who’re expecting probably want to know, “Can I drink Mango Tea during pregnancy?” The answer is yes - in moderation. Too much, admittedly, might lead to Mango Leaf Tea side effects, which is why you should first listen to the recommendations of your doctor or midwife.

The consensus, though, is that limiting yourself to 200-mg of caffeine daily is, generally, safe.
How Many Calories in Mango Tea?

If you’re concerned about the influence it has on your waistline, you’ll be pleased to know that it’s mostly good news. Researchers believe that Black Tea, regardless of the type, promotes weight loss on a molecular level - the science of which we’ll talk about further below.

Mango Black Tea calories, meanwhile, amount to no more than two Calories per Cup of Tea - a win on all fronts.

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