Mini Puerh Tea Cha Tea Tuo Sheng Tea Natural Glutinous Rice Healthy Green Food

Mini Puerh Tea Cha Tea Tuo Sheng Tea Natural Glutinous Rice Healthy Green Food

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10.62 EUR
Približne 11.66 USD
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Lokácia produktu: Slovakia
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Podrobnosti o maloobchodníkovi
ČínaMarco Polo Tea & Coffee CompanyMaloobchodník

C-PE356 Pu'er Tea Natural Glutinous Rice Raw Puer Tea Mini Tuo Red Tea Sheng Puerh Healthy Green Food

100% Natural Green Food

No Any Artificial Addictives or Chemical Additives

This tea cake is made of tea leaves plucked from Ancient wild tea trees. As the tea cake is made by compressing tea leaves plucked from wild tea trees hundreds of years old, the tea has top-grade quality and is well worth collecting like an antique. It also contains rich nutrients and is very good for health. It is favoured by tea lovers.

This old tea is made from raw leaves grown on wild tea trees hundreds of years old. Hope you will be the one of the fortunate ones who buy at this very advantageous Discounted Product.

Drink PuEr tea in spring, health and self-cultivation.

Drink PuEr tea in summer, elimination heat, summer heat, detoxification, heat

Drink PuEr tea in autumn, physical,fitness.

Drink PuEr tea in winter, warm belly,disperse cold,Increased disease resistance.

Because of the production time is too long , part of packaging has been damaged.

Note:A part of the tea cake's packaging is damaged . If the packaging is damaged severely , we will re-packaging, do not worry .

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