Namdang Assam Tea FOP

Namdang Assam Tea FOP

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Namdang Assam Tea FOP starts off at the Namdang Tea Estate in Assam, India. Once workers have harvested, withered, rolled, oxidised and dried the leaves, it travels to us here at The Kent and Sussex Tea and Coffee Company.

We then pack it fresh to order here at our Pluckley-based factory, ensuring quality and consistency with every cuppa brewed. But what, exactly, can you expect from it?

Upon the first sip, enjoy a bold, traditionally malty flavour characterised as quintessentially “Assamese.” The grade is Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe (TGFOP), which is somewhat lighter than a BOP Tea.

Then there is its caffeine content, amounting to around 45-mg per 8-oz cup. Last but not least, it might come with Black Tea Benefits. What more could you want from your new favourite infusion?
Facts About Assam Tea

Loose Leaf Assam Tea, contrary to popular belief, is not nearly as old as Chinese Tea.
Production of Indian Tea only began in the 19th century. This was when a Scotsman named Robert Bruce discovered Assam Tea, which eventually kick-started the local industry.
Today, the state of Assam produces around 55% of India’s total Tea output.
Assam Tea serves as a base ingredient for many blends, most notably Chai Tea. This is a flavoured Indian Tea made with local herbs and spices - many of which come with benefits.

The Namdang Tea Estate

Namdang lies in the Tinsukia District of the Indian State of Assam. It belongs to the Mcleod Russel Plantations Group, a company known for nurturing gardens while helping them to discover their full potential.

Margherita, Namdang’s sister estate and one also owned by Mcleod Russel, is situated nearby. (We also stock an Assam Tea Margherita GFBOP Tea.)

Recent statistics indicate that nearly 2,000 tonnes of Assam Loose Tea come from Namdang every year. The garden itself covers 753 hectares, which is more than enough to accommodate such high outputs.

Whatever your reason for choosing Namdang Assam Tea FOP, be it for the estate, the taste or the health benefits, you’ve undoubtedly decided exceptionally well.
Useful Information

Type of Tea: Black Tea.

Origin: The Namdang Tea Estate, Tinsukia District, Assam, India.

Brewing Instructions: Brew using freshly boiled water. Infuse for 3 to 5 minutes.

How to Serve: Some serve it without additions. Most, however, have it with milk, sugar, honey or lemon.

Tasting Notes: Embrace strong malty notes with sweet, slightly earthy undertones.

Colour in Cup: Coppery liquor, dark in tone.
Health Benefits of Namdang Assam Tea FOP

This wholesome, nutritious beverage boasts a multitude of vitamins and minerals capable of improving life in small yet significant ways.

What’s more, according to a study out of John Hopkins University in Baltimore, USA, its caffeine content can help. It concluded that 200 mg of this stimulating chemical compound is all it might take to help those living with dementia.

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