Rose Congou Tea

Rose Congou Tea

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Rose Congou Tea is a rare, exquisite Flavoured China Black Tea. It’s the product of layering rose petals into the finest quality Chinese Tea, creating a floral infusion unlike any other. The word “Congou” means the same as “Kung Fu”, which in turn means “time and effort”.

In the context of this remarkable beverage, it refers to the care and diligence required for its making.
What is Rose Congou Tea?

Few Types of Tea from China have quite the same renown as Rose Congou Black Tea. Aside from the incredible amount of work required to create the blend, it also, and perhaps most importantly, tastes fantastic.

When brewed, expect delicately sweet notes with refined floral undertones. Such a combination is a match made in heaven - made all the better by the fact that we pack it fresh to order.
Does Rose Congou Tea Have Caffeine?

The question begs: Will Rose Congou Loose Tea help you to get out of bed in the morning? Absolutely! This is because it contains caffeine, a stimulating chemical compound that provides an energy boost upon consumption.

Specifically, this Black Tea has around 45-mg per 8-oz cup. But what does this mean when it comes to drinking Rose Congou Tea while pregnant? Is it advisable?
Rose Congou Tea While Pregnant

NHS Choices recommends that pregnant women limit their caffeine consumption to around 200-mg daily. That’s the equivalent of about four cups of this Loose Leaf Tea.

When you buy Rose Congou Tea, in other words, you should monitor how much you drink. Yet the good news is that you can, indeed, drink it while you’re expecting. Why not discover its full potential today?
How to Make Rose Congou Tea

1, Add Loose Tea to a Tea Infuser or Filter.

2, Place the Tea-filled accessory in a cup or mug.

3, Put the kettle on and, once boiled to 100°C, pour it over the leaves.

4, Allow it to steep for 3-5 minutes.

How to Serve: Consider adding a small drop of cream. Alternatively, serve without additions.

Tasting Notes: Imparts a malty-floral fusion of flavour.
Rose Congou Tea Benefits

The two ingredients in this beverage, Black Tea and rose petals, boast extraordinary health-promoting properties. According to one study conducted at the University of Singapore, the former can enhance cognitive function.

This could, potentially, reduce the risk of developing the likes of Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease.

The latter ingredient has the potential to relieve mild menstrual discomfort. Rose Congou indeed works well as an excellent hormone balancer, and can even alleviate cramping.

Studies also note the possibility of Black Tea Benefits helping those living with anxiety. One such project published in a 2019 issue of Heliyon examined its neuropsychological effects on mice under chronic stress, the results of which appeared promising.

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