Spring Tea

Spring Tea

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Spring Tea is a Flavoured China Black Tea blended to resemble the bright delights of a new season. Inspired by springtime flavours and ingredients, it boasts delectable berry notes accompanied by herbaceous undertones. The Kent and Sussex Tea and Coffee Company pack it fresh to order here at our Kent-based factory. Doing so ensures not only quality but also consistency with every cuppa brewed.

What is Spring Tea?
Those who seem to come alive in the spring will, undoubtedly, love our Spring Black Tea Blend. The base component is China Black Tea, to which we add all-natural raspberry, blackcurrant and elderberry flavouring.

Expect, too, hints of Peppermint Tea and Nettle Tea - a match made in heaven from the first to the last sip. And you needn’t only enjoy it in the spring. It is bound to captivate year-round!

Caffeine in Spring Tea
Another reason to come alive when indulging in a cup of our Spring Black Tea is that it contains an abundance of caffeine. This is a stimulant that needs little introduction other than to say that it helps us out of bed in the morning.

The fact that you’ve chosen a Black Tea ensures that you get about 45-mg of caffeine per serving - more than enough to start your day the right way.

How to Make Spring Tea
Buy a Tea Filter or Infuser and fill it with Loose Leaf Spring Tea.

Position the Tea-filled accessory in your cup.

Begin brewing by pouring in freshly boiled water at temperatures of 100°C.

Allow it to steep for 3-5 minutes.

How to Serve: Best served without additions or as an Iced Tea.

Tasting Notes: Spring Tea’s flavours consist of deep red berry notes and a malty-herbaceous finish.

Is Spring Tea Good for You?
People have asked us, “Is Spring Tea good for you?” The answer is a resounding “yes”. The primary reason is its wealth in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which, combined, combat free radicals in the body.

The ultimate result is the reduced risk of developing several chronic conditions, from cardiovascular disease to type-2 diabetes. And there’s more - much more.

According to a study published in the Journal of Nutrition, volunteers who drank five cups of Black Tea daily experienced reduced cholesterol levels. Meanwhile, according to a study published in the Annals of Epidemiology, participants who had four cups had a 32% lower stroke risk than those who drank none.

More impressive still is that it enhances cognitive function, aids digestion and promotes weight loss.

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