Wasa Delikatess

Wasa Delikatess

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5.03 EUR
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Description: The swedish classic crispbread or as the Swedish say "knäckebröd" goes very well with cheese, cold slices and as a snack or lunch. 

Wasa Delikatess crispbread is extra thin and crispy baked on whole grains. With 100% whole grain and 16% dietary fiber. Dietary fiber is part of the grain, the majority of which is found in the bran. Dietary fiber gives you a good sense of satiety and helps you keep your stomach in good shape. Wholegrain flour naturally contains many dietary fiber. Wholegrain flour is flour painted by the whole grain and is thus the most nutritious, as it is in the outer parts of the grain that one finds most dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals. Scientists discover more and more benefits of whole grains, in addition to keeping the stomach in shape. 108 g of whole grain ingredients are used to bake 100 g of bread.

Brand: Wasa
Type: Crispbread
Info: 0,275 kg
Shipping Weight: 0,5 kg (Volumetric Weight)
Ingredients: Wholegrain rye flour (111 g to 100 g product), salt, yeast. 111 g whole grain ingredients are used to bake 100 g of product.

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